Table actions not firing

I have a table function in a custom Filament page: I have initialized the page like this:

use Filament\Tables\Actions\Action;

class IncentiveOverview extends Page implements HasTable, HasForms, HasActions
use InteractsWithTable;
use InteractsWithForms;
use InteractsWithActions;
use HasTabs;

use Filament\Tables\Actions\Action;

class IncentiveOverview extends Page implements HasTable, HasForms, HasActions
use InteractsWithTable;
use InteractsWithForms;
use InteractsWithActions;
use HasTabs;
public function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
->query(function (): Builder {
return $this->getIncentiveRequests()->groupBy(['branch_id', 'department_id']);
->label('View Incentive Details')
->action(function ($record) {
public function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
->query(function (): Builder {
return $this->getIncentiveRequests()->groupBy(['branch_id', 'department_id']);
->label('View Incentive Details')
->action(function ($record) {
Then, the blade view is looking like this:
<div class="flex flex-col gap-4">
<x-filament-panels::resources.tabs />
<div class="relative">
{{ $this->table }}
<x-filament-actions::modals />
<div class="flex flex-col gap-4">
<x-filament-panels::resources.tabs />
<div class="relative">
{{ $this->table }}
<x-filament-actions::modals />
When I try to trigger the view_incentive_details, I would for now, expect that it would just dd the $record, however, when I click it, a spinner is just shown briefly: !image
4 Replies
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch7mo ago
What is >getIncentiveRequests() returning? Do the record still have a ID? Might also be because of the groupBy statement 🤔
oliverbuskOP7mo ago
It's returning this:
public function getIncentiveRequests() : Builder
return OIPRequest::query()
->with(['department', 'branch'])
->select('branch_id', 'department_id', 'business_type', 'expire_at')
->where('status', 'approved');
public function getIncentiveRequests() : Builder
return OIPRequest::query()
->with(['department', 'branch'])
->select('branch_id', 'department_id', 'business_type', 'expire_at')
->where('status', 'approved');
I tried to scrape the class of everything, and just return a table with a standard query (like: OIPRequest::query()), but to no avail 😦
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch7mo ago
Does it have an id column? At least in the query above you didn’t select it.
oliverbuskOP7mo ago
No, I am not selecting any id column, since the table is grouped: However, I am setting a record key for the table:
public function getTableRecordKey($record): string
return 'department_' . $record->department_id;
public function getTableRecordKey($record): string
return 'department_' . $record->department_id;
After adding id to the select it works! Thank you Dennis! However, shouldn't the getTableRecordKey do the same as replacing the id ?

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