VRR on ROG Ally

Hi all, I've just installed Bazzite and so far it's great. But I can't seem to get VRR to function, even though the option is available in the right hand menu. Games are obviously still stuttering just like you'd expect on a conventionally refreshed display. Is there any fix for this? I tried to force compositing using the developer menu as I have seen suggested elsewhere and it doesn't seem to address the issue. Not a huge deal if it is broken at the moment but if there's a workaround I'd like to know.
123 Replies
Oliver Mackenzie
Oliver MackenzieOP•5mo ago
Ok thanks
antheas•5mo ago
We will figure it out eventually What framerates did you have issues on
Oliver Mackenzie
Oliver MackenzieOP•5mo ago
I was using 120Hz and 60Hz output, with no frame-rate caps and 60fps/40fps caps
antheas•5mo ago
I think vrr is only on 120hz Vrr also only works 48hz+ When you set it to 120hz and you have around 80hz does vrr work?
Oliver Mackenzie
Oliver MackenzieOP•5mo ago
Let me check, that's a good point, I guess because there's no LFC it would be 48+ In Control at about 100Hz it doesn't work, there's quite a bit of frame-time inconsistency
antheas•5mo ago
take a pic of the frametime graph?
notSean•5mo ago
think the Ally and Ally X both have LFC actually. Mine's had some issues, but I'm just gonna keep an eye on it and try and record when I see it failiing to give to the guys here
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antheas•5mo ago
It's questionable if the lfc works in Linux Still needs more testing
Oliver Mackenzie
Oliver MackenzieOP•5mo ago
Here's a shot
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Oliver Mackenzie
Oliver MackenzieOP•5mo ago
I'm also having some issues with input latency across a variety of games at the moment - any idea if there's any identified issue or fix there? I may produce a video on Bazzite for Digital Foundry so it would be good to get some things ironed out So far the experience of installing and using it has mostly been very positive
antheas•5mo ago
Yeah that looks broken Unfortunately I will not get my unit until the end of this month, and we have limited access to vrr screens right now @nickname has an Ally X unit but does not know either how vrr should look So here's the jist of the issue right now We are using a branch of gamescope that's very close to the master branch on GitHub and months ahead of what is on steamos stable It is closer to what SteamOS beta is using right now Unfortunately, that branch only gets tested on a Steam deck it seems, leaving us to pick up the pieces Steam deck supports vrr on external displays sure, but that's a feature that's rarely tested I can tell you that there were 4 solid months between December and March where it worked well It also does not help that the steam deck OLED and Legion go displays use a protocol that looks a lot like vrr but is not So fixes for those displays mess with vrr and vice versa If you are on the original ally, I do have an image that you can try though @matt_schwartz what's the current vrr status? Can you check it out?
Oliver Mackenzie
Oliver MackenzieOP•5mo ago
Oh interesting, I'm on an OG Ally
antheas•5mo ago
It's the same display
Oliver Mackenzie
Oliver MackenzieOP•5mo ago
It's not a prime issue for the piece if we do one, at the moment the input latency is more of a concern, perhaps I can provide some capture and statistics later today
antheas•5mo ago
A lot of gpd win mini owners post vrr issues too, same issue as well
Oliver Mackenzie
Oliver MackenzieOP•5mo ago
Yeah makes sense
antheas•5mo ago
Oh really, can you expand on that? That is something I can test as well
Oliver Mackenzie
Oliver MackenzieOP•5mo ago
I haven't spent too much time with it but at the moment it looks like there's a lot of input lag, I'm noticing it in right stick camera movement across the games I've tested Doom, Crysis 2, Persona 3 Reload and some others I will download those games on my Deck just to cross reference
antheas•5mo ago
Thank you, do you have a way of quantifying latency I could use? I have crysis 2 I will download that
Oliver Mackenzie
Oliver MackenzieOP•5mo ago
Yeah I do, it will have to wait until later today as I am just in the middle of production on a video at the moment
antheas•5mo ago
Of course
Oliver Mackenzie
Oliver MackenzieOP•5mo ago
But I can give you guys some more quantifiable data later
antheas•5mo ago
Oliver Mackenzie
Oliver MackenzieOP•5mo ago
Ha I think it's my bad there, I'm getting perceptually very similar input lag in those games on Deck, a lot of games feel pretty good I will keep toying with Bazzite over the next few days and perhaps if a window opens up in the schedule I can take a look for a vid
antheas•5mo ago
We will also look into vrr since it seems it broke again
Oliver Mackenzie
Oliver MackenzieOP•5mo ago
Ok thanks!
Aru•5mo ago
if you're ok with troubleshooting a bit, you can also try rebasing to older Bazzite images, and see if any of them solves your issue bazzite-rollback-helper list to see available images. currently, due to a recent change, you can't rebase to anything older than around July 2nd or so. bazzite-rollback-helper rebase image_name_here to rebase to an image note that rebasing locks you to that image, so if you want to resume regular OS updates later, run: bazzite-rollback-helper rebase stable
antheas•5mo ago
I maintain an image with the old gamescope that works
Aru•5mo ago
Oh, DC edition? Didn't know you were still maintaining it
antheas•5mo ago
I dont but the image is still there
Chas_Hodges•5mo ago
I'm not the best person to check as I've had no experience of VRR screens before the Ally X, but it feels like the game I'm playing is smoother than it would be without on the current Bazzite build does that mean VRR is working? who knows! I'm playing Suicide Squad, and on the settings I'm using the performance is wildly variable - 30-60 fps - but with an unlocked framerate it feels pretty smooth, especially compared to outputting the same thing to an external screen
notSean•5mo ago
will this be available through the update button or will it be some time before it makes it there?
antheas•5mo ago
it will be, @Kyle Gospo knows the exact details valve introduced the changes yesterday
Oliver Mackenzie
Oliver MackenzieOP•4mo ago
Oh fantastic Great stuff Just working on a video on Bazzite at the moment. Is it correct that VRR is still broken on ROG Ally? I just checked it out on my device and it looks like it is, but I wanted to make sure I'm not missing something.
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo•4mo ago
VRR should be 100% functional at this time, minus frame limiting make sure you're on 3.15.4 via rpm -qa gamescope
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo•4mo ago
Commits · ValveSoftware/gamescope
SteamOS session compositing window manager. Contribute to ValveSoftware/gamescope development by creating an account on GitHub.
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo•4mo ago
Hopefully they fix the limiter here soon This stuff was broken even on a docked steamdeck in steamOS main...
Oliver Mackenzie
Oliver MackenzieOP•4mo ago
Ok I will give it another shot here So my version of gamescope is 3.15.4-2 according to the terminal. Looks like VRR is working, but without LFC so above 48 FPS? I think the gamescope FPS reading may be off a bit As the FPS reading feels a bit high relative to what the game feels like, and I presume VRR is kicking in at 48 I'll have a better idea of that though after I do more performance testing Is there a good place to share my findings with you guys once I have wrapped up writing for any comments? I will probably finish my testing and writing by tomorrow Will be for Digital Foundry
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo•4mo ago
Yep, let me make a channel I'll ping you when ready Appreciate your testing!
Oliver Mackenzie
Oliver MackenzieOP•4mo ago
Ok thanks!
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo•4mo ago
Pinged in channels
antheas•4mo ago
Just coming here to say that vrr only works on the 120hz setting We're working on a patch for an arbitrary frame limiter but it won't be here for the next 3+weeks It's very very experimental and based on on a config system Joshua from valve is working on If you want to use other frame limits you need to use the mangohud command
Chronus•4mo ago
So VRR isn't working properly all this time at below 48hz? 🫤
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo•4mo ago
Below 48hz you are definitely better served by no VRR and a flat frame limit the lower the framerate the more obvious a fluctuation is instead, focus on a framerate you can hold stable at all times
antheas•4mo ago
I was just referring to the setting, can't comment on the 48hz part
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo•4mo ago
yep, we'll see what Oliver found there setting wise -- yea, for VRR keep the refresh rate option at the native maximum
antheas•4mo ago
Ie slider needs to be set to 120 for it to work
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo•4mo ago
makes sense, that's almost a steam client UI issue
antheas•4mo ago
It is yes a valve limitation we're working on it My ally x just got out of customs hopefully it will be here next week Well the us ones Hopefully it will not get stuck on eu ones too
Chronus•4mo ago
So to make sure I need the following: - Screen slider set to max 120hz? - VRR toggle should be on? - Desktop display adaptive sync setting should be Automatic or Always?
antheas•4mo ago
Desktop setting is irrelevant unless you want vrr in desktop The other too yes
Chronus•4mo ago
It's exciting while waiting for a new device. Got it how about these? - In game vsync on or off? - in game frame limiter set or off?
antheas•4mo ago
Can't help that much with vrr until it arrives though That includes game settings, I'm just relaying to you other users information
Chronus•4mo ago
Hoping for your Ally X to arrive safely.
antheas•4mo ago
Chronus•4mo ago
The issue I'm mentioning the other day, I can't do it anymore or replicate no matter what I do lmao. It seems like a freesync/vrr malfunctions. Freesync Premium works well now on Windows then VRR toggled on works without any issue at all. Sometimes things are so mysterious. Anyway how would you even know if VRR is working on the naked eyes? Can't tell the difference or are there any sort of tools?
antheas•4mo ago
Usually the frame graph is a lot smoother with it on With it off you can see frame time dithering due to missed frames
Chronus•4mo ago
You mean using the built in monitoring tools?
antheas•4mo ago
This is on mangohud yes On level 3 and 4 it has a frame time graph
Chronus•4mo ago
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antheas•4mo ago
That also has min and max values Yes
Chronus•4mo ago
got it will try if it will be lower. oh shhht. Here's off.
Chronus•4mo ago
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Chronus•4mo ago
The here's on.
Chronus•4mo ago
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Chronus•4mo ago
So you can really tell if it's working using a monitoring tools? AMAZING! Thanks antheas!!
antheas•4mo ago
Np, yeah that's how we usually test it
Chronus•4mo ago
I'll try maxing out a game setting and see if it works below 40hz Looks like nothing is changing?
Chronus•4mo ago
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Chronus•4mo ago
This is off
antheas•4mo ago
Looks like it's off
Chronus•4mo ago
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Chronus•4mo ago
this is on.
antheas•4mo ago
Weird those big spikes are a gamescope timing bug
Chronus•4mo ago
not working then or maybe it's working?
antheas•4mo ago
I can't tell because the frame time graph is skewed What I can say is that the spikes are a bug
Chronus•4mo ago
With it of at below 40hz there are jag lines. But when it's on, jag lines is reduced.
Oliver Mackenzie
Oliver MackenzieOP•4mo ago
You should be able to see it by eye, just pan the camera
Chronus•4mo ago
Mango hud can see it as per antheas I don't have an eagle eye you know.
antheas•4mo ago
The spikes make it difficult though Seems like it's not working though on the low hz
Chronus•4mo ago
There are changes on the 2nd graph With it off, the jag line is consistent.
antheas•4mo ago
The only change I can see is the huge spikes If you remove those it's probably the same
Chronus•4mo ago
with on, it's being flatten, look carefully. Wait does the 2nd graph has any use?
antheas•4mo ago
I mean it's flatter But The scale is different So you can't compare
Chronus•4mo ago
Here's off.
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Chronus•4mo ago
Here's on.
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Chronus•4mo ago
I see.
antheas•4mo ago
Looks mostly the same and tbh quite stable anyway
Chronus•4mo ago
So, is this will be forever, should I just let it be?
antheas•4mo ago
Below 30 fps yeah probably 30-48 maybe not if it's an issue now
Chronus•4mo ago
Hmm how about on windows How could I check it? There's no mango hud there
antheas•4mo ago
Dunno have not used windows in years
Oliver Mackenzie
Oliver MackenzieOP•4mo ago
LFC should work with the Ally in Windows
Chronus•4mo ago
No changes in frame time when on or off at windows.
Chronus•4mo ago
This is off
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Oliver Mackenzie
Oliver MackenzieOP•4mo ago
Frame time as measured by system level tools is not necessarily the right measurement Look by eye for frame time inconsistencies
Chronus•4mo ago
This is on.
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Oliver Mackenzie
Oliver MackenzieOP•4mo ago
The system level stuff is not going to capture stutter caused by vsync
Chronus•4mo ago
But bazzite was able to capture if there are any changes? Anyway based on he graph it's the same on Bazzite, the graph line has flatten at 31 fps.
antheas•4mo ago
The frame time graph on bazzite is connected to the display output code so it can get exact frametimes
Chronus•4mo ago
The same behavior on the graph lines on Windows, it has become flatten with it turned on around 30-32fps.
Chronus•4mo ago
Here's OFF.
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antheas•4mo ago
Nobody said the game can do flatter frametimes even on vrr I guess
Chronus•4mo ago
Then here's ON.
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antheas•4mo ago
Oh there you go it works
Chronus•4mo ago
So I believe it's doing something at lower frame rates right?
antheas•4mo ago
But second picture looks like bazzite anyway
Chronus•4mo ago
Then it's working on Bazzite too like I sent earlier.
antheas•4mo ago
These are the frametimes spikes you get without vrr You didn't get those on bazziye
Chronus•4mo ago
So it's not like this?
antheas•4mo ago
Oh yeah
Chronus•4mo ago
See told you!
antheas•4mo ago
So I guess it works?
Chronus•4mo ago
So what's wrong with OP? He said it doesn't work? I have to install this MSI afterburner and RTSS just to see if it's not the same with working VRR on windows vs. Bazzite at lower framerates.
Oliver Mackenzie
Oliver MackenzieOP•4mo ago
This is what the performance overlay panel looks like on steam deck, I believe that second line reflects the display output?
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Oliver Mackenzie
Oliver MackenzieOP•4mo ago
The first line is internal frametimes Obviously not a VRR capable device
antheas•4mo ago
It didn't work when this issue was posted
Chronus•4mo ago
I see, currently it's working on my end. Hoping OP could figure it out.
antheas•4mo ago
This issue was posted a month ago It is fixed now
Chronus•4mo ago
Thanks Antheas! Learning a lot from you.
antheas•4mo ago
LFC not sure but seems it works
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