How to handle checkbox in type('parse.formData').to(...)
I want turn the checkbox into boolean, but the checkbox field only produce "on" when checked, and missing when unchecked...
29 Replies
["'on' | 'off'", "=", "off"] works, but I cannot convert it to boolean
You need to tell ArkType how to convert the string to a boolean. I guess what you want is
but how to embed it with other propertities?

it just dont work
What's the error(s), and what version of ArkType are you ussing?
error is chinese (but it basically mean cannot assign '=' to ....

Do you actually need the default value?
'default?' also doen't work
^ ???
this seems to work nvm, it fails at runtime
runtime error: Default values must be specified on objects like { isAdmin: 'boolean = false' }
Yeah, I just got the same when actually running it
That's probably a bug
If you don't need the default you can remove it and then it works properly
If you do need the default, then I guess the best option is to just make it optional
would work
yes, I think it would be perfect
Although in fairness there's no reason to use a default here
Because you're morphing to a boolean anyway, and so whether the value is
or "off"
the outcome is the same (both will give false
)the backend API use boolean, and I don't want to use two different types for it..
just created a new workaround: fix the formdata api

Fwiw I've created a bug report:
Unable to morph object values with default · Issue #1089 · arktypei...
Report a bug It seems it's currently impossible to morph and object value that has a default. 🔎 Search Terms object default, morph default 🧩 Context ArkType version: 2.0.0-beta.5 TypeScript ver...
Added a couple comments to the issue
Will definitely consider loosening some of these restrictions if I can find a sensible way to do it
Yeah, that's fair. I actually said above it doesn't really make sense to default here
I suppose the issue should be closed as "Won't Do" or w/e rather than "Completed"?
I think I already changed it
Still showing "Completed" for me :Shrug:
Oh I think I clicked that button but it only does something if I actually wrote a comment
But still, I would like to handle it better ideally, because I could just optimize the redundancy away like the type system does in a lot of other cases by applying the morph to the default value to update it
Just not worth handling as a one-off right now
Is it worth leaving the issue open for future tracking then?
Could you create a brief feature request instead like "Precomputed morphs for default values"
Typed on my phone, so probs not perfect but here you go:
Precomputed morphs for defaults · Issue #1090 · arktypeio/arktype
Request a feature 🤷 Motivation Relates to #1089. This would optimise the redundancy away from morphed default types by moving the default assignment into the morph. For example: type({foo: ["&...
Yeah I already get notifications from 😛
Thank you!
I have a private channel that notifies me for anything on the repo, even just someone starring it 😅