Ticket open for months
Hi, first of all i apologize for bothering in this discord, i know it isn't the recommended way. I was wondering if there is any advice or course of actions i could take to help me in my situation.
Couple months ago i was ddosed and got charged $1000 on my workers.
I ended up getting a refund around 1-2 months later, but got charged back the same amount of money again.
Opened a new ticket on 6/28/2024, Cloudflare was having issues with tickets recently and i was informed that my ticket would be closed in 24 hours today.
I was waiting for a response from the engineering team since the issue was escalated on 7/2/2024.
Is there anything i can do to help my case?
- The case is #00975771 (The previous case number was #3243108)
If anyone from Cloudflare cares to take a look, i really appreciate it.
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