Socket error
Hi, I'm a little lost with this error. I'm using novu headless.
I set up my app to access ws:
const headlessService = new HeadlessService({
applicationIdentifier: 'huPdDEt9tm0t',
subscriberId: session?.user._id,
backendUrl: '',
socketUrl: '',
The call to answers Hello World!. so the ws server is taking the request.
I set up an nginx reverse proxy server.
I also followed the nginx recommendations to establish the socket service through a reverse proxy like this:
But when trying to establish the connection it fails to create the object below.
"uri": "wss:// kbyIsImxhc3ROYW1lIjoiRmVycmFybyIsIm9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbklkIjoiNjU3OWQ0NzIxOWI1NTQzMmQxODIwMTJkIiwiZW52aXJvbm1lbnRJ ZCI6IjY1NzlkNDcyMTliNTU0MzJkMTgyMDEzMyIsInN1YnNjcmliZXJJZCI6IjY2MjY5NzEzMzU5MTU4ZDJhY2UxMDdkYyIsImlhdCI6MTcyMzgzNjU0NiwiZXhwIjoxNzI1MTMyNTQ2LCJhdWQiOi J3aWRnZXRfdXNlciIsImlzcyI6Im5vdnVfYXBpIn0.JCJz6l9LnGc4_J4JyWjbbORnWLcgr3rImtVuQXuulCY&EIO=4&transport=websocket",
"opts": { "agent": false, "perMessageDeflate": { "threshold": 1024 }, "rejectUnauthorized": true } } any ideas?
the browser says;
socket error {"description":{"isTrusted":true},"type":"TransportError"}
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