how to start a react app after i closed it
i started the react app yesterday and reopened it today and im not getting how to reopen the react app
5 Replies
i lost all the terminal log when i reopened the vs code
how do i re run the react app on my browser?
ctrl+` will reopen the terminal in VS Code, then it's probably
npm run dev
to start the dev server. Check whatever tutorial you used to set it up for the exact command thoughOpen the project folder and type
npm start in terminal
In general you can find the available commands in the project's package.json file in a "scripts" object. you might see like "start": "dev": "build": "preview": which are used in terminal as '''npm run (command goes here)'''
Note that you also need to navigate (cd) your terminal to the correct directory/folder. Sometimes that's a problem when the project is nested in folders...
ohk thanks guys im gonna try what u all advised