In CMD prompt diff ping and in game differ
Hey ,I asked my ACT fibernet (Chennai)to find the shortest path for Mumbai server and they fixed it, before I was getting 35ms, but after they fixed I'm getting 1,2,3 ms ,good ping but why in CMD prompt it showing 3ms but in game it showing 29ms?

10 Replies
I happen to get the same latency in game too. Kinda weird

Pretty sure ur dns plays a role too
Ping -t 8 8.8.8
ig I use my ISPs DNS, that is why I get similar results
19 in game and while pinging on CMD
3-4ms latencies are generally justified for people playing in mumbai
since the OP plays from chennai, it is justified that he gets over 24ms of latency, but CMD shows something else

still am getting 2 ms
Whats ur dns set to?
default no dns
Try switching it to
8 8.4.4
@Kenji-San please look into this
Dude, I already told you few times that the "problem" with ACT is that they don't have a presence in Mumbai DCs. That means when players from lets say Hyderabad playing they have to take longer route via transits to reach Mumbai servers. '' is a anycast IP address that was set for ISPs to reach/traceroute their nearest Riot Direct POP. Same goes for players. If you trace that IP it doesn't necessarily mean your final ping towards Valorant servers in your region, it's basic and it shows your nearest traffic ingress towards Riot Games. This is the last time I am responding to your threads and I will automatically close these from now on. Just a headsup