i18n lazy loading | rollup bundles all language files
I have a basic i18n setup with lazy loading enabled just like described here: https://i18n.nuxtjs.org/docs/guide/lazy-load-translations
Lazy loading seems to work. I can see that on locale change the needed language is requested.
But if i look into my client bundle with
nuxi analyze
, all language files are bundled. I would expect that only my default language file is bundled initially.
In this example this is not a problem but in my real world application i have 10 language files + 10 shared language files coming from my layer (which are btw also bundled separately instead of merged, not ideal too)1 Reply
Finally having to bite the bullet on this here - looking at nuxt-i18n-micro to because of this. Hope you figured out a suitable solution for yourself, op! I may also look at manually pulling down my locale files and using the local message merge (alreay doing this to pull translations from a DB) but I wanted to avoid it if I could.