How to add card details and generate stripe token using Relation manager form?
I am using stripe-php to add card information to Stripe and using card details relation manager for customers.
I am able to add the card details in the self hosted form but Stripe requires us to generate token by sending card details using their Javascript api which I can send by dispatching the Livewire event but I am not able to set the value for the token field with the class card_token on the form after getting response from Stripe.
Please let me know how can I generate the token, validate it and set the token as value for card_token textinput before submitting the form.
Thank you
4 Replies
Here is the custom.js file code
document.addEventListener('livewire:init', () => {
Livewire.on('generate-stripe-token', (event) => {
// stripe token generate process here
token = "token here"; // get the token from stripe
document.getElementsByClassName("card_token")[0].value = token;
Here is the CreateAction
and the form
Please someone help with this issue.