Filamentβ€’7mo ago

Overwrite views from package

To overwrite Filament panel views (not recommended) we can copy files to resources/views/vendor/filament-panels/* and that works beautifully. However, I would like to overwrite the files from within a package. Is this possible? And if so, how?
5 Replies
toekneeβ€’7mo ago
You shouldn't override any views or files from the package as per the docs. What are you doing that you want to override files.
GavTheDevOPβ€’7mo ago
@toeknee I know, but I need to replace the whole topbar and see no other option other than copy files πŸ˜•
toekneeβ€’7mo ago
Why? You could use CSS to hide it and render a new one with a hook
GavTheDevOPβ€’7mo ago
I thought of that too so think I'm gonna do that. But it feels a bit dirty πŸ˜…
toekneeβ€’7mo ago
Dirty but more stable than overriding view files and vendor files that will likely change, especially with V4 coming up.

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