a snippet cloning from a repo is failing

Running snippet mkdir -p /tmp/orchis-theme/ && cd /tmp/orchis-theme/ && git clone https://github.com/vinceliuice/Orchis-theme.git && cd Orchis-theme && ./install.sh -d /usr/share/themes/
Cloning into 'Orchis-theme'...
error: RPC failed; curl 92 HTTP/2 stream 5 was not closed cleanly: CANCEL (err 8)
error: 40 bytes of body are still expected
fetch-pack: unexpected disconnect while reading sideband packet
fatal: early EOF
fatal: fetch-pack: invalid index-pack output
Error: building at STEP "RUN --mount=type=bind,from=stage-files,src=/files,dst=/tmp/files,rw --mount=type=bind,from=stage-modules,src=/modules,dst=/tmp/modules,rw --mount=type=bind,from=ghcr.io/blue-build/cli:4f235be4f7ec2aa1a462565f4ba797554ac62edb-build-scripts,src=/scripts/,dst=/tmp/scripts/ --mount=type=cache,dst=/var/cache/rpm-ostree,id=rpm-ostree-cache-meme-os-latest,sharing=locked /tmp/scripts/run_module.sh 'script' '{"type":"script","snippets":["curl -L https://urbit.org/install/linux-x86_64/latest | tar xzk --transform='s/.*/urbit/g' -C /usr/bin && chmod +x /usr/bin/urbit","mkdir -p /tmp/orchis-theme/ && cd /tmp/orchis-theme/ && git clone https://github.com/vinceliuice/Orchis-theme.git && cd Orchis-theme && ./install.sh -d /usr/share/themes/"],"scripts":["initramfs.sh","remove-wp.sh"]}' && ostree container commit": while running runtime: exit status 128
ERROR => Failed to build oci-archive:/etc/bluebuild/meme-os.tar.gz
Running snippet mkdir -p /tmp/orchis-theme/ && cd /tmp/orchis-theme/ && git clone https://github.com/vinceliuice/Orchis-theme.git && cd Orchis-theme && ./install.sh -d /usr/share/themes/
Cloning into 'Orchis-theme'...
error: RPC failed; curl 92 HTTP/2 stream 5 was not closed cleanly: CANCEL (err 8)
error: 40 bytes of body are still expected
fetch-pack: unexpected disconnect while reading sideband packet
fatal: early EOF
fatal: fetch-pack: invalid index-pack output
Error: building at STEP "RUN --mount=type=bind,from=stage-files,src=/files,dst=/tmp/files,rw --mount=type=bind,from=stage-modules,src=/modules,dst=/tmp/modules,rw --mount=type=bind,from=ghcr.io/blue-build/cli:4f235be4f7ec2aa1a462565f4ba797554ac62edb-build-scripts,src=/scripts/,dst=/tmp/scripts/ --mount=type=cache,dst=/var/cache/rpm-ostree,id=rpm-ostree-cache-meme-os-latest,sharing=locked /tmp/scripts/run_module.sh 'script' '{"type":"script","snippets":["curl -L https://urbit.org/install/linux-x86_64/latest | tar xzk --transform='s/.*/urbit/g' -C /usr/bin && chmod +x /usr/bin/urbit","mkdir -p /tmp/orchis-theme/ && cd /tmp/orchis-theme/ && git clone https://github.com/vinceliuice/Orchis-theme.git && cd Orchis-theme && ./install.sh -d /usr/share/themes/"],"scripts":["initramfs.sh","remove-wp.sh"]}' && ostree container commit": while running runtime: exit status 128
ERROR => Failed to build oci-archive:/etc/bluebuild/meme-os.tar.gz
fixed it by adding depth=1
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4 Replies
thaleousOP7mo ago
apparently it is a network error but i ran it two times and gave me the same thing this is ran locally btw
thaleous7mo ago
fixed it by adding depth=1
Luke Skywunker
Luke Skywunker7mo ago
Oh interesting, I've not seen that error with git before
thaleousOP7mo ago
ye outside of building the image, i tried to clone it normally to my documents it didnt work lmao

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