Figuring out where a query short-circuts for a PUT endpoint

I'm building a PUT endpoint in my API, which allows you to add properties to an entity. I do this by having a table of properties, where the property's primary key is a composite of the parent entity's ID (which references the entity table) and the property key. The endpoints desired behavior is the following insert
await db
.values({ // Insert into the properties table the property sent to the API
static: isStatic,
target: [ // If there is already a property on that entity with that key
targetWhere: eq(properties.static, false), // As long as the property isn't marked as static
set: { value }, // Update the value as follows
await db
.values({ // Insert into the properties table the property sent to the API
static: isStatic,
target: [ // If there is already a property on that entity with that key
targetWhere: eq(properties.static, false), // As long as the property isn't marked as static
set: { value }, // Update the value as follows
This means the API can respond 4 possible ways (as for the specification of PUT): * 201 Created - The property didn't exist and it was created * 204 No Content - The property already existed and it was updated * 404 Not Found - The parent entity wasn't found, so the backend couldn't give it a property * 409 Conflict - The property already exists an is marked static therefore it cannot be updated. That means that if the query
await db
entityId, // Fails here, because entityId references a nonexistent entity, return 404
static: isStatic,
}) // Succeeds here before reaching the conflict, because the property didn't exist, return 201
target: [
targetWhere: eq(properties.static, false), // Fails here because the property exists and is static, return 409
set: { value },
}); // Succeeds here because the property existed and was updated, return 204
await db
entityId, // Fails here, because entityId references a nonexistent entity, return 404
static: isStatic,
}) // Succeeds here before reaching the conflict, because the property didn't exist, return 201
target: [
targetWhere: eq(properties.static, false), // Fails here because the property exists and is static, return 409
set: { value },
}); // Succeeds here because the property existed and was updated, return 204
Obviously, this behavior is trivial if I were to split this into multiple queries, but for efficiency's sake I'd like to keep this as tight as possible. Is it possible to have drizzle tell me where the query stopped without splitting it and using application logic? And if not, whats the most efficient way to replicate this behavior?
3 Replies
rphlmr ⚡
rphlmr ⚡8mo ago
The 404 could be deducted by a db reference error 201 and 204, maybe comparing value you try to set and value you get with “returning” you can add to the query. 409 maybe a db error about no matching target conditions. You could try each cases and analyze what the db drivers throws / the query returns
MilesOP8mo ago
201 and 204, maybe comparing value you try to set and value you get with “returning” you can add to the query.
how would i do this? after updating they'd both end up equaling each other (this is put so in theory I'm dropping and replacing; this approach is just an optimization essentially)
409 maybe a db error about no matching target conditions.
hmm ok
You could try each cases and analyze what the db drivers throws / the query returns
this might be the best approach yesh

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