TyphonJS7mo ago

TJSGameSettings getStore not saving properly?

I have a bizzare interaction right now with TJSGameSettings.getStore / getWritableStore. It gets updated, I even see in the console through game.settings.get that the setting has been "updated" Then I refresh and the changes made disappear. What gives?
13 Replies
VauxsOP7mo ago
These changes are made through bind:value={$setting} on various inputs. It works on a regular writable, so I am not sure what's happening here. What is even stranger is that on live reload, TJSGameSettings claims the setting is not a registered setting and returns undefined Even when before the live reload it clearly existed
VauxsOP7mo ago
VauxsOP7mo ago
attaching a subscribe(v => game.settings.set("...", v) works but... this really shouldnt be the case right? moving it from an import to a global reference fixes the issue, so I am guessing the live reload bug was purely something on vite's / svelte's part
TyphonJS (Michael)
Yeah.. I was going to ask if you saw the same symptom without the dev server. Then there is potentially something going on with the live reload of the TJSGameSettings instance. Rather than making it a global reference perhaps you can import it into the top level app shell component then set TJSGameSettings to a context item. This might prevent child component changes from reloading the instance. Without seeing the code involved this is just my assumption.
VauxsOP7mo ago
I tried fixing the issue by passing the settings as a prop, it also died when done this way
VauxsOP7mo ago
Here is the code, replace window.pf2eGraphics.storeSettings with an import from settings.ts I removed the export because of the bug, but it was just export const storeSettings = new TJSGameSettings('pf2e-graphics')
TyphonJS (Michael)
I'm not sure offhand if the prop vs context aspect would make a difference. You can also import the game settings instance in the outer SvelteApplication instance and set that as a context in the mounting process such that there is no direct import of the settings instance in a Svelte component. That possibly could change the live reload situation too. I think folks may overlook the ability to setup a context in the main Svelte config object from SvelteApplication versus just passing props. This may not help this specific live reload issue. I always try and avoid any sort of global variable solution. I also don't work as much with the dev server, so it's useful to hear about minor issues that come up.
VauxsOP7mo ago
Worked hard to have everything HMR-able lol
TyphonJS (Michael)
For sure.. The likely problem in the live reload case is that the register method in the TJSGameSettings instance makes the connection with the underlying Foundry callback when the setting changes. If TJSGameSettings is just hot reloaded then that connection is broken with a new instance of TJSGameSettings. At least that is my introspective guess based on the symptoms.
VauxsOP7mo ago
Thats what I guessed Which is why I went with the globals, since I already had them for debugging purposes Might as well have a de-facto One Source of Truth
TyphonJS (Michael)
After 0.2.0 starts rolling out it might be worth looking into various supporting code like TJSGameSettings to see if things like that can be hardened for live reload out of the box.
VauxsOP7mo ago
Feel free to gander around PF2e Graphics code in that aspect

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