mfad8mo ago

Styling harness boots

I had a shoe emergency that warranted purchasing a pair of new shoes; as fate would have it I was a block away from a flea market and a bought a pair of boots that fit (see attached). My initial plan was to just sell them once I got home but I'm now wondering if/how I can make them work. Should I: 1. Keep them as is 2. Dye them a different color (brown/black) 3. Sell or donate them (see below for context)
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25 Replies
zeometerOP8mo ago
For context, my typical style is a variation on the ivy-trad style found in MFA, with more unusual silhouettes or colors or combinations of items (or rakishness)
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zeometerOP8mo ago
I do -sometimes- dress in a way that would support boots (moreso cowboy then engineer boots) but this is maybe 20% of what I wear AND I'm missing out on things like flared jeans or cooler belts
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zeometerOP8mo ago
my instinct is to try and dye them dark brown but I'm maybe tilting a little so any outside perspective is welcome 🙏
kstocks8mo ago
I feel like these boots could work with a lot of the fits you posted Like boots + a blazer and jeans can be killer
zeometerOP8mo ago
if the answer is pro-boot then the question becomes "what color"; a pair of black boots means i don't need to buy camiones or guidis, for example
kyn8mo ago
This mf literally underwent a shoe emergency, bought a pair of boots that fit and went with the fit he was already wearing, I’m so mad I’m seething I’m malding
zeometerOP8mo ago
i consider all decisions made here under emotional duress
Soup8mo ago
For me I'd keep these as is, they work really well with the outfit in the first picture and I can see these fitting in easily with the light and dark pair of jeans you posted, plus some of the other fits too
Yakkeks8mo ago
Yeah, you have a lot of light coloured pants so tan should be quite easy Also team leave as-is Crying, Screaming, Throwing up rn (Aka hard agree with Kyn)
zeometerOP8mo ago
only thinking with leave as is vs black is that black would also go with every fit pictured AND also slot into trad stuff more easily
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Yakkeks8mo ago
Yeah. I would not go dark brown If dying then black
zeometerOP8mo ago
in any event i think i'm pot committed, just a matter of light brown vs black
Yakkeks8mo ago
But maybe making them black is a versatility trap Bc then they will compete with your existing trad compatible shoes
zeometerOP8mo ago
it does not help that the people who i looked up for ideas (bishop, leo, weeg, warp) had both colors represented :xdcrying:
Yakkeks8mo ago
Oh wow Im on an inspo list I feel honored How confident are you in your ability to do a good dye job? I think overdying might make them patina quite strongly I.e. the tan coming through later? Which would be cool but propably too busy for a trad shoe?
zeometerOP8mo ago
the last dye job i attempted probably led to the aforementioned shoe emergency i suspect this would be easier as i'd go to black and the boots seem in good condition
brandon8mo ago
the boots go hard id keep ‘em as is
yung_flynn8mo ago
They already seem to have a nice natural patina so I feel like it would be a shame to overdye them
bishopcorrigan8mo ago
Harness cowboys, nice I think leave them and let them push you in a different direction than black would They’ll go better with jeans this color too
zeometerOP8mo ago
thanks all! i'm gonna chalk up the trepidation to equal parts tilt and not owning boots and see where they take me now to just get boot socks
Yakkeks6mo ago
...thats a necro edit lol
bishopcorrigan6mo ago
(They’re not technically engies)
Yakkeks6mo ago
(Yeah, maybe harness boots) (...unless zeo has als copped engies without telling us in the meantime)
zeometerOP6mo ago
not yet; i remembered i misidentified the boots before...and clearly again not ruling out another pair but before that i have to do boring responsible things like paying bills and replacing socks. if a pair of camiones fell from the sky i wouldn't complain
Yakkeks6mo ago
Replacing socks is the worst. Least gratifying clothes purchase. I should get a few more boot socks, but keep putting it off

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