use CMS authMiddleware
I am using Statamic CMS hand in hand with filament, statamic allows admins to impersonate users however, i cant figure out the auth to allow the admin to impersonate the user on statamic and then move over to the filament side and still be impersonating the user (at the moment it logs them out).
I have tried using statamic authGuard in authMiddleware() in the adminPanelProvider and defining the authGuard but neither have worked.
Is it possible for this to work?
Solution:Jump to solution
for anyone who encounters this issue - statmic and filaments middleware has some clashes so you just need to remove the filament middleware that is already provided by statamic
5 Replies
Are they on the same domain?
yes they are
any idea on this?
I have no Statamic experience but I think both should just use the same Laravel auth guard and it should be fine. Does Statamic have some specific middlewares?
yes statamic has its own authGuard
could filament use statamics login page rather than have 2 separate ones?
for anyone who encounters this issue - statmic and filaments middleware has some clashes so you just need to remove the filament middleware that is already provided by statamic