OpenDeckโ€ข7mo ago

Opening URLs and applications failing

Creating this as a thread to collect information on why some users experience issues with plugins opening URLs in the browser, which seems to also happen with clicking the "open config directory" button in settings, which makes sense as they use the same mechanism.
84 Replies
Percy_Ikanaโ€ข7mo ago
I still have no idea what made it suddenly work
datarecallโ€ข7mo ago
Let me pull the latest code down and give it a try
ninjadev64OPโ€ข7mo ago
Thanks! Can't repro on my main machine under openSUSE Tumbleweed, I'm giving it a go on this Fedora Silverblue laptop I've got but rpm-ostree is being very slow It took so long and didn't even work due to a missing symbol in the version of webkit2gtk it installed, going to sleep now lol
BeeInABlanket โ˜•๐Ÿ
still not working for me, at least with the appimage version
ninjadev64OPโ€ข7mo ago
what distro are you using? and does the "open config directory" button in settings also not work?
BeeInABlanket โ˜•๐Ÿ
Garuda (Arch-based). and nope that button also does not work
ninjadev64OPโ€ข7mo ago
ok, good to know, does anything happen differently in the AUR version (opendeck-git)? you will need to install Deno beforehand as it has not yet been added as a dependency to the aur package
BeeInABlanket โ˜•๐Ÿ
hm. normally I just use Octopi to fetch things from AUR, but opendeck isn't showing up in that. searching AUR directly shows opendeck and opendeck-git, with opendeck-git being the update from early June
ninjadev64OPโ€ข7mo ago
while the opendeck-git package itself may not have been updated since June, that's just because it's the -git version, which fetches the latest commit automatically
ninjadev64OPโ€ข7mo ago
that just means the build logic in the PKGBUILD hasn't been updated since June (and just to confirm, xdg-open https://example.com/ and xdg-open ~/ in your normal terminal do work, so it is an OpenDeck issue?)
BeeInABlanket โ˜•๐Ÿ
looks like it's aborting on build.
Error `tauri.conf.json` error on `tauri > bundle`: Additional properties are not allowed ('rpm' was unexpected)
Error `tauri.conf.json` error on `tauri > bundle`: Additional properties are not allowed ('rpm' was unexpected)
ninjadev64OPโ€ข7mo ago
I think you need to upgrade your cargo-tauri version it should be at least 1.6
BeeInABlanket โ˜•๐Ÿ
and yep, I can launch things fine with the console
ninjadev64OPโ€ข7mo ago
ah, the maintainers of that package haven't updated it yet well, in that case, thanks for your help ig! (unless you want to build it from source without the help of a PKGBUILD but that's up to you, I don't want to intrude on whatever you were doing)
BeeInABlanket โ˜•๐Ÿ
well it's 5am here so I should probably try and sleep, but I can maybe poke around a little bit longer and see if maybe I might luck into this somehow going quick :pjdHat:
ninjadev64OPโ€ข7mo ago
well, all you should have to do is git clone the OpenDeck repo, run cargo install tauri-cli, and then cargo tauri dev
BeeInABlanket โ˜•๐Ÿ
first command took a bit, second in progress now it works! it launches stuff outside itself no problem now! so probably an appimage issue? oh, hm. wait, may have spoken too soon
ninjadev64OPโ€ข7mo ago
oh, cool!
BeeInABlanket โ˜•๐Ÿ
ok, so, using cargo tauri dev launched opendeck, and that worked until I closed the konsole (which had the cargo tauri process attached), which then closed the application
ninjadev64OPโ€ข7mo ago
BeeInABlanket โ˜•๐Ÿ
makepkg is still erroring out, but this time it's a bit more verbose and points to an issue with deno
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ninjadev64OPโ€ข7mo ago
does cargo tauri build work in your cloned source directory?
BeeInABlanket โ˜•๐Ÿ
nope, same error
ninjadev64OPโ€ข7mo ago
well, i've just got my computer operable again (was dust cleaning it while going through this with you), so i'll take a look at that error if you rm -rf node_modules, rm deno.lock, and then cargo tauri build does it work?
BeeInABlanket โ˜•๐Ÿ
no, though rm deno.lock errors with no such file or directory
ninjadev64OPโ€ข7mo ago
?? it's literally in the repo lmao https://github.com/ninjadev64/OpenDeck/blob/main/deno.lock maybe git reset --hard main to make it like you've just checked it out fresh
BeeInABlanket โ˜•๐Ÿ
"unknown revision or path not in the working tree"... um... hm. OK, lemme back this up a bit and start fresh :s9welp:
ninjadev64OPโ€ข7mo ago
hmm, did you git clone https://github.com/ninjadev64/OpenDeck.git?
BeeInABlanket โ˜•๐Ÿ
close. git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/opendeck-git.git
ninjadev64OPโ€ข7mo ago
ah, lmao, that's not the OpenDeck source repo
BeeInABlanket โ˜•๐Ÿ
yeah, that's the one in AUR ๐Ÿ˜› going upstream now
ninjadev64OPโ€ข7mo ago
wait, how did you cargo tauri dev then?? maybe makepkg got far enough to download the opendeck sources so you could run it, or something
ninjadev64OPโ€ข7mo ago
[bug] Links with target=_blank and shell::open do not work from App...
Describe the bug When running a Tauri app on Linux using an AppImage, target=_blank links do not work, and shell::open does not work either. Reproduction Minimal reproduction repo: https://github.c...
BeeInABlanket โ˜•๐Ÿ
hm. this time around cargo tauri build is erroring out with failed to bundle project: error running appimage.sh
ninjadev64OPโ€ข7mo ago
[bug] failed to bundle project: error running appimage.sh ยท Issue #...
Describe the bug Build a hello word project, run pnpm tauri build, get a error: Compiling serialize-to-javascript v0.1.1 Compiling serde_repr v0.1.9 Compiling state v0.5.3 Compiling webkit2gtk v0.1...
ninjadev64OPโ€ข7mo ago
I'm trying to remember the fix I think NO_STRIP=true cargo tauri build haha, if only we remembered this https://discord.com/channels/1143819637897834571/1143819638732505130/1245452977066741801
BeeInABlanket โ˜•๐Ÿ
ok, that build worked, though the appimage just launches into a blank white screen
BeeInABlanket โ˜•๐Ÿ
:InaLaugh: well, with the environment variable from that thread set I can launch the appimage I built, and it seems to be able to open things properly
ninjadev64OPโ€ข7mo ago
BeeInABlanket โ˜•๐Ÿ
well, not sure why building it from scratch makes everything work, but hopefully some of this gave you some useful info for future appimage releases and thank you for talking me through this (and building the app in the first place) ๐Ÿ˜„
ninjadev64OPโ€ข7mo ago
no worries! does the original appimage work now by any chance? just in case building from source installed some dependencies that were needed for it to work (properly quit the one you built first from your system tray)
BeeInABlanket โ˜•๐Ÿ
sorry, stepped away for a bit. the original appimage presents the same issue as before, failing to open anything outside itself
ninjadev64OPโ€ข7mo ago
very strange, but thanks so much for your help!
BeeInABlanket โ˜•๐Ÿ
np! glad to help ๐Ÿ˜„
ninjadev64OPโ€ข7mo ago
@Percy_Ikana does the AppImage from GitHub Releases work for you? I'm submitting a bug report on Tauri's GitHub and want to document as much as possible; just wondering if I should wait for @Percy_Ikana and @datarecall to be able to test things or if I should go ahead and submit if you guys aren't currently available? (completely fine, by the way!) oh my apologies Percy, it seems that when we were troubleshooting the issue a while ago (https://discord.com/channels/1143819637897834571/1143819638732505130/1260967647013507202) what fixed it for you was both running from source and installing from the AUR, same sort of thing as Bee ooh, damn, I can reproduce this now! it definitely seems to be an issue with the AppImage produced by GitHub Actions (the ones in the releases)
ninjadev64OPโ€ข7mo ago
- download AppImage - chmod +x opendeck.AppImage - ./opendeck.AppImage - click "open config directory" - it opens whatever this is in the terminal I launched OpenDeck from
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ninjadev64OPโ€ข7mo ago
it's called w3m apparently this is left in the terminal after I exit w3m
xdg-mime: no method available for querying MIME type of '/home/aman/.config/com.amansprojects.opendeck'
xdg-mime: mimetype argument missing
Try 'xdg-mime --help' for more information.
/tmp/.mount_opendegOqUUe/usr/bin//xdg-open: line 882: x-www-browser: command not found
XPCOMGlueLoad error for file /usr/lib64/firefox/libxul.so:
/usr/lib64/libproxy/libpxbackend-1.0.so: undefined symbol: g_once_init_leave_pointer
Couldn't load XPCOM.
/tmp/.mount_opendegOqUUe/usr/bin//xdg-open: line 882: iceweasel: command not found
/tmp/.mount_opendegOqUUe/usr/bin//xdg-open: line 882: seamonkey: command not found
/tmp/.mount_opendegOqUUe/usr/bin//xdg-open: line 882: mozilla: command not found
/tmp/.mount_opendegOqUUe/usr/bin//xdg-open: line 882: epiphany: command not found
/tmp/.mount_opendegOqUUe/usr/bin//xdg-open: line 882: konqueror: command not found
/tmp/.mount_opendegOqUUe/usr/bin//xdg-open: line 882: chromium: command not found
/tmp/.mount_opendegOqUUe/usr/bin//xdg-open: line 882: chromium-browser: command not found
/tmp/.mount_opendegOqUUe/usr/bin//xdg-open: line 882: google-chrome: command not found
/tmp/.mount_opendegOqUUe/usr/bin//xdg-open: line 882: www-browser: command not found
/tmp/.mount_opendegOqUUe/usr/bin//xdg-open: line 882: links2: command not found
/tmp/.mount_opendegOqUUe/usr/bin//xdg-open: line 882: elinks: command not found
/tmp/.mount_opendegOqUUe/usr/bin//xdg-open: line 882: links: command not found
/tmp/.mount_opendegOqUUe/usr/bin//xdg-open: line 882: lynx: command not found
Can't open history
xdg-mime: no method available for querying MIME type of '/home/aman/.config/com.amansprojects.opendeck'
xdg-mime: mimetype argument missing
Try 'xdg-mime --help' for more information.
/tmp/.mount_opendegOqUUe/usr/bin//xdg-open: line 882: x-www-browser: command not found
XPCOMGlueLoad error for file /usr/lib64/firefox/libxul.so:
/usr/lib64/libproxy/libpxbackend-1.0.so: undefined symbol: g_once_init_leave_pointer
Couldn't load XPCOM.
/tmp/.mount_opendegOqUUe/usr/bin//xdg-open: line 882: iceweasel: command not found
/tmp/.mount_opendegOqUUe/usr/bin//xdg-open: line 882: seamonkey: command not found
/tmp/.mount_opendegOqUUe/usr/bin//xdg-open: line 882: mozilla: command not found
/tmp/.mount_opendegOqUUe/usr/bin//xdg-open: line 882: epiphany: command not found
/tmp/.mount_opendegOqUUe/usr/bin//xdg-open: line 882: konqueror: command not found
/tmp/.mount_opendegOqUUe/usr/bin//xdg-open: line 882: chromium: command not found
/tmp/.mount_opendegOqUUe/usr/bin//xdg-open: line 882: chromium-browser: command not found
/tmp/.mount_opendegOqUUe/usr/bin//xdg-open: line 882: google-chrome: command not found
/tmp/.mount_opendegOqUUe/usr/bin//xdg-open: line 882: www-browser: command not found
/tmp/.mount_opendegOqUUe/usr/bin//xdg-open: line 882: links2: command not found
/tmp/.mount_opendegOqUUe/usr/bin//xdg-open: line 882: elinks: command not found
/tmp/.mount_opendegOqUUe/usr/bin//xdg-open: line 882: links: command not found
/tmp/.mount_opendegOqUUe/usr/bin//xdg-open: line 882: lynx: command not found
Can't open history
Percy_Ikanaโ€ข7mo ago
Appimage failes to open anything still, yhea. It also reverts to bad spacing
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Percy_Ikanaโ€ข7mo ago
I get no error messages in terminal or logs, though commands that run purely in the terminal (touch, my amixer playback commands, etc ) all work, it just cant open anything
ninjadev64OPโ€ข7mo ago
even when pressing "open config directory"?
Percy_Ikanaโ€ข7mo ago
ninjadev64OPโ€ข7mo ago
alright, but that doesn't matter really at this point I'm about to submit an issue on the tauri-action repo seeing as it only seems to happen in AppImages produced by tauri-action in GitHub Actions
Percy_Ikanaโ€ข7mo ago
I dont have w3m installed, It could be defaulting to that for you since "in terminal" things work
ninjadev64OPโ€ข7mo ago
yeah, I don't have it installed intentionally, not sure why it's there
ninjadev64OPโ€ข7mo ago
submitted a bug report, hopefully they'll have a fix https://github.com/tauri-apps/tauri-action/issues/881
xdg-open does not work in release artifacts produced by tauri-actio...
Hey @FabianLars 3 different, but related, functions of my application do not work when using the AppImage of my application produced by tauri-action in GitHub Actions, but work in AppImages produce...
ninjadev64OPโ€ข7mo ago
TL;DR - don't use the AppImages from GitHub Releases.
thomasvsโ€ข7mo ago
Updates from me: openUrl doesn't open a window on my laptop either. xdg-open can open other urls fine. w3m wasn't installed; I installed it but didn't work as expected since that's a text-based browser. Symlinked w3m to google-chrome, didn't do anything either. I'm using the .deb from github, not the AppImage. I'll try with the AppImage as well but expect that not to work either. I can also try on a fedora machine if that helps? I'm wondering what binary it calls underneath, going to check with strace oh, and "Open config directory" does work as expected for me, and brings up the file browser
Percy_Ikanaโ€ข7mo ago
Where is openURL coming from?
ninjadev64OPโ€ข7mo ago
oh, interesting so a different issue? does using xdg-open in a Run Command action work for you @thomasvs? not sure what you mean
Percy_Ikanaโ€ข7mo ago
Updates from me: openUrl doesn't open a window on my laptop either
ninjadev64OPโ€ข7mo ago
still not sure what you mean it's an event from a plugin
Percy_Ikanaโ€ข7mo ago
Thats what I meant, just where is "openURL" coming from/what does it mean
ninjadev64OPโ€ข7mo ago
alright, this is the function we're looking at (I know BarRaider's plugins better than himself smh, found it instantly)
function openSpotifyAuth() {
if (!clientId) {
console.log('openSpotifyAuth with no clientId');

if (websocket && (websocket.readyState === 1)) {
const json = {
'event': 'openUrl',
'payload': {
'url': 'https://accounts.spotify.com/authorize?client_id=' + clientId + '&response_type=code&redirect_uri=http://localhost:4202&scope=user-read-private%20user-read-email%20user-read-playback-state%20user-modify-playback-state%20playlist-read-private%20playlist-read-collaborative%20playlist-modify-public%20playlist-modify-private%20user-library-modify%20user-library-read'
function openSpotifyAuth() {
if (!clientId) {
console.log('openSpotifyAuth with no clientId');

if (websocket && (websocket.readyState === 1)) {
const json = {
'event': 'openUrl',
'payload': {
'url': 'https://accounts.spotify.com/authorize?client_id=' + clientId + '&response_type=code&redirect_uri=http://localhost:4202&scope=user-read-private%20user-read-email%20user-read-playback-state%20user-modify-playback-state%20playlist-read-private%20playlist-read-collaborative%20playlist-modify-public%20playlist-modify-private%20user-library-modify%20user-library-read'
thomasvsโ€ข7mo ago
where did you find the code to that plugin? it wasn't in the github repo let me try with a run command action yep, that worked fine
ninjadev64OPโ€ข7mo ago
in the installed directory I've been reverse engineering this guy's plugins to get them to work for multiple years now, I know them pretty well I knew the setup popup would be in the Setup/ dir, quickly tracked down window.opener.openSpotifyAuth(), then searched the parent window (i.e. the property inspector)'s JS to find that function
thomasvsโ€ข7mo ago
oh I see the file, that part is just .js so I can go to the URL myself, but the redirect to localhost:4202 fails because nothing is listening, which I assume is in some other part of the spotify plugin.
ninjadev64OPโ€ข7mo ago
yep, the C# part of the plugin is closed-source (well, it all is, but the "benefit" of JS is that we can poke around with it)
ninjadev64OPโ€ข7mo ago
๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ I enter a client ID and secret, press Next, it opens something in Firefox in the background that ends up at https://barraider.com/spotifysuccess, and then I see this
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thomasvsโ€ข7mo ago
ok, so I'm assuming openUrl is hanging somehow on confirmation before opening a local 4202 socket. let me check if I have firefox installed I do, so that's not it either
ninjadev64OPโ€ข7mo ago
no, the openUrl event is sent from the property inspector whereas the plugin is the one opening the socket, as well as there not being any confirmation of events sent back to plugins
thomasvsโ€ข7mo ago
yes - I was assuming it's the plugin opening the socket, but only after it gets some confirmation that openUrl succeeded. I can't verify without the code. what OS are you on when you do this?
ninjadev64OPโ€ข7mo ago
Iโ€™m on openSUSE Tumbleweed there is no confirmation
thomasvsโ€ข7mo ago
weird, then I have no idea why the plugin wouldn't open that local socket while waiting for the browser window Just installed opendeck on fedora 39. Have the same plugin unpacking issue, and i'm going to guess the 403 I get from your server has something to do with that. I'll see what the curl request tells me there. I'll unpack it for now so I can test the topic of this thread ok - unpacked by hand on Fedora 39. A restart did pick up the new plugin here without having to download another. And the spotify configuration opened a tab in chrome and completed successfully. and it works. and neat - it shows the song art on the button, nice touch. I wonder if I can copy plugin config over from one machine to the other So that doesn't work - it still opens up the authentication flow. Any idea why the barraider spotify plugin wouldn't take the copied config? is there another place in the config dir I need to change smth to use that settings file? now that I'm playing with the fedora machine more, every time I start opendeck or every time I add a plugin, it starts up the authentication flow again, but seems to skip through it
ninjadev64OPโ€ข7mo ago
what exactly did you copy?
thomasvsโ€ข7mo ago
com.barraider.spotify.sdPlugin.json in settings
ninjadev64OPโ€ข7mo ago
you would need to copy the plugins's settings from <config dir>/settings/com.barraider.spotify.sdPlugin.json as well ah not sure then yeah, it does that, but do you mean add a new action? not plugin
thomasvsโ€ข7mo ago
yes, action, sorry.
ninjadev64OPโ€ข5mo ago
I believe the AppImage issue - which developers of other Tauri apps have confirmed is a Tauri issue - is now either fixed in Tauri v2 (haven't tested yet) or still blocking on upstream Tauri, so that is "solved" on the OpenDeck side of things As for @thomasvs's issue I believe that was an issue with the OBS plugin executable not starting due to Wine Mono not being installed with Wine on Debian-based distros, so that's solved too
Percy_Ikanaโ€ข5mo ago
Let me try the newest app image
Percy_Ikanaโ€ข5mo ago
im getting the same behavior, so must still be blocked somewhere. It also smooshes the buttons together lol
No description
ninjadev64OPโ€ข5mo ago
yeah ok, still blocked in Tauri then not sure about the smooshing lol

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