stuck on screen
My first time downloading valorant and the screen is stuck on the loading screen despite several resets.

13 Replies
Do you get critical error
is there audio?
like if you move your mouse up and down near the left side of the screen
where the buttons would be
are there hovering sounds
it might just be a screen freeze
No audio either
I don’t think so
Literally stuck on that screen for some reason
i had the same issue earlier but there was audio
and i just went to my computers settings and disabled the integrated gpu
and it fixed it
i think it might be an issue swapping from integrated to whichever one you use for gaming after launching the game
idk tho
Ima take a look in a second appreciate it tho
might not work for you though
ir worked, ty
changes the interated
yo this actually worked, thanks man!
didnt actually think it would work
thought it was just a problem with mine
didnt know others had this issue too
yeah nah I've been searching for a solution for like a week, searched reddit etc it seems like alot of people had this problem. The bad thing is I literally reseted my pc in hope of solution, well anyway too late
oh damn
at least its fixed now 😄
ahah hope so man, it seemed fine for a deathmatch today, hope it doesn't happen again 😭
I appreciate it, really, again!
ahh np it feels nice knowing one less person has this issue lol