novu push notification with android emulator not working
Hello, I was wondering if novu push notifications works with android emulators?
I have same setup on production which does work and i get the notification when i’m not using the app
But when trying it on emulators it doesn’t work.
Is this a common issue or am I missing something
This is an example of sending a notification
Note: the template Users have push true
"name": "Users",
"to": {
"subscriberId": "9e9dd16a-603d-471d-83ac-aee2c582128c"
"payload": {
"inAppTitle": "test v4 ggggg users",
"inAppBody": "notification_body",
"deepLink": "notification_deepLink"
"overrides": {
"fcm": {
"apns": {
"payload": {
"aps": {
"alert": {
"title": "notification_title",
"body": "notification_body",
"sound": "default",
"link": "notification_deepLink"
"data": {
"title": "notification_title",
"body": "notification_body",
"badge": "custom",
"deepLink": "notification_deepLink"
2 Replies
@Younes Graichi
Can there be permission issue in emulator?
I have all the permissions in the emulator we are using an api base_url/v1/events/trigger