valorant loading issues when I have a perfectly good pc?
Hello, I have above average specs on my pc (nvidia 3050 ti, Ryzen 9 5900x) and while I know my gpu is a little worse than my cpu it runs fine.
But apparently after spending 350$ on one of the best performing cpu's in the world, valorant has a hard time loading. It freezes when im in character select screen and makes it so I can't choose an agent, forcing me to dodge, lose rr and get banned, when someone ELSE dodges my pc can't even comprehend that and it takes ages for it to load, causing for me to dodge again, and worst of all sometimes it drops me into the game 1 or 2 rounds early.
What is happening someone please help me
143 Replies
My pc literally performed better when it had my ryzen 3, and a rtx 1030
Ur game is prob on a hdd
Move it to an ssd if u have one
5800x3d is the best gaming cpu for am4 and 5700x3d is cheaper alternative
ssd or hdd?
i dont have a ssd
How do u not have a ssd with a pc like that
prebuilt from ibuypower
use CrystalDiskInfo to check the state of your HDD
What will checking the state do
Open task manager
Show ss
he can check the speeds, check if hhd is damaged and few move stuff
Uh huh
How is that gon fix the loading issue exactly?
Also hdds tend to always load late anyways

No matter if its in good state or no
I recommend buying an ssd
he can claim the warranty if its not too old
Uh huh
What will a new hdd do 😭
when did u buy the pc
he can sell it new
They need an ssd, not a new hdd
christmas presetn 2020
check if waranty applies
Yea def not in warranty
dawg its ibuypower
their warranty
is like
5 months
there supposed to be the warranty by the manufacturer
No warranty lasts 4 years mate

Buy an ssd if u can
seagate provides up to 5 years
Get an extra cable if u need
do u reccomend anything?
brand or
where do u live?
idk anything about ssd's
tx austin
how much storage u want
250gb, 500gb, 1tb, 2tb
enough to play the low poly cs clone
just for that right?
A 256 gb ssd should be good enough
yeah just about
For windows,cs and val
alright ty
Look for a decent one btw
an ssd just an sd card? or are they diffrerent

as u can tell im great with computers
I can dm the website
its pcpartpicker
ik what pcpartpicker is
sort by nvme
and price
They are different
An ssd is like a hard drive but a bit smaller and ALOT faster
i see
ill buy one
thanks guys
Btw how much time does it take for ur pc to boot up?
also for reference
a whileee
like maybe
Like 5 minutes?
5-10 mins?
Yea thats bad
for everything to load yeah
i have 16 gigs of ram
An ssd will cut that to about uh 40 seconds
sounds great
oh cool
Also just make sure ur motherboard has a slot for another drive
Press win+r
Type msinfo32
Show ss
cheapest 256gb ssd is like 22 bucks and 512gb is like 33
I can see one for 17
But its pretty meh
if theres any private info that i give you and you like beam me ggs

oh and i changed my bios mode
because i had to, to like run my shit idk
not good motherboard

gen 3 ssd
what does this mean i dont understand
You could get gen 4 which should be compatible with gen 3
how does that make sense
it doesnt matter much. There are different generations of ssd's. Right now market is filled with gen 4. gen 4 doesnt have a big difference from gen 3 and gen 5 is useless for 95% of users cuz the speeds are useless
Yea that mobo supports nvme ssds
That will be ur best bet
basically those are different standards. Higher generation is higher numbers it can it reach, but thats only theoretically
dont overthink it
please explain this like im a 7 year old
i dont understand pc shit
nvme ssd - fast and furious😈
hdd - slow but cheap:val_KekwSob:
sd card - slow and used by cameras, old phones, and other small devices
how does this sound?
how does a gen 3 support somethig higher
mobo - motherboard
connects everything to CPU
CPU - Central processing unit
backward compatability
Gen 3 has bandwith limitations
PCIe 4.0 is backward and forward compatible
if im thinking rationally
gen 3 comes
before gen 4
you motherboard has pcie gen 3 x4
basically its a gen 3 slot
so this is slot that comes in ur mobo
higher gen -> bigger bandwidth, faster speeds
i see
if you buy gen 4 ssd and put in the mobo that has gen 3 slot youll just be limited to gen 3 speeds but it's doubtful you would tell the difference anyway
I hope this helps
are there any other questions you need help with?
so should i just buy something gen 3 so its less expensive than a gen 4?
they all cost around the same
get whatever is cheaper
if the price differs by 1-2 dollars then google the speeds and other characteristics of ssd
compare them and buy better one
Also make sure u r buying an nvme and not a sata
dont buy sata cuz its different from nvme
speeds are much lower
so get nvme ssd
are they usually 21 dollars?
or around

that prcie range
@jidat is there a specific one yous recommend?
you also can read about ssd reviews. just google model and look for review
it just takes time to read ssd stats and reviews one by one from this list above
U can look some up on yt
Cuz idk
1000 mb/s is good enough speed for 95% of pc users
if you can get something better for a same price then good for you
ill just get a random one
kingston nv2 looks good
Yea sure
Is it nvme?
it cost almost like 512gb ssd
Ill give you a recommendation
give me a sec
Kingston is one of the best brands for a reason
The most reliable of em all for ssds etc imo
its not
nv2 is not that good
cheap and not as good as u think
As a company
Kingston is alright
There is a reason why people go for kingston ssds most of the time
does 250 and 256 gigs prove a big difference?
The extra 56 gigs would be nice to have
Patriot, silicon power, inland, acer and kingston are all solid ssd brands
6gb diff
i like the sound of kingstn
i want that one
just a cool company name
Sure, go for it
for 28 bucks?
i lied
i like the verbatim one
sounds cool,er
and is 256
dawg i live in austin
Whatever u like
go down town i can find that on the ground in the street
you can order online from amazon or newegg
newegg looks ugly
ill do amazonm
get Silicon Power P34A60 512 GB at this point
what is that
newegg is more reliable tbh
If u have money to burn
Get a 512 gig one
thats the one for 34 bucks

pretty solid
how much more is a 1tb one
because i could just
do that
if a 512gb is only 30 bucls
this is nv2 review

around 54-60 for 1tb
2tb is 100
not terrible
ill just do 512tb
i prob wont need more
Silicon Power P34A60 is alright
if you want 512gb then this is a good choice
okay then ill do that

why does it say "cheap but risky"
the fuck does risky mean
nv2 is not that good
go to tomshardware to see full review of nv2
here is the summary 2tb model
other nv2's are not better
fully turn off pc and turn off the psu. You can unplug psu just in case
then place the ssd in its slot
it should be right below cpu
I recommend to have windows on ssd so pc boots up in 30-40 sec

I guess they meant that 1tb model provides more value
more space u get more u save
there are some 1tb ssd's around 52 bucks
up to you if you want more space
I wonder how much capacity does ur hhd has
i have no idea
932 gb
do you feel like you dont have enough storage?
if you get install games on ssd they will load faster. For example if you get in the match you can load faster using ssd
but for solo games it doesnt matter much except when you go between locations
I guess we can mark this ticket as Solved
im chilling
with storage
sounds like u dont need 1tb ssd