Conditionally showing TextInput or changing default
I want to show a different default value in the TextInput depending on the organization_type. I have therefore created two TextInput fields. I hide the TextInput depending on the type of organization.
As such this works, but I also need the default value to be different depending on the organization type. While the TextInput is correctly chosen (e.g I can see that on the label), the default value of the first TextInput is always shown.
So concrete: I have two types of organizations (e.g. an individual and a company). When organization type is individual, I want to show a textInput with the name of the individual. When organization type is company, I want to show a textInput with default value of the user name, with "'s Company" added to the default value
->afterStateUpdated(function ($state, Set $set) {
$set('organization_type', $state);
->label('Organization Name')
->default( Filament::getUsername(auth()->user()) . " 's Company")
->visible(fn (Get $get): bool =>
$get('organization_type') === 'company'
->label('Individual Name')
->default( Filament::getUsername(auth()->user()) )
->visible(fn (Get $get): bool =>
$get('organization_type') === 'individual'
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