Eager load or lazy load on modals?

Sorry for the silly question. I have an Edit modal for a record on my table. I am using $record->supplier in multiple places ( supplier being a relationship which gets the supplier modal for the table record ). Is a query being run each time to get the supplier info or is it eager loaded the once? Thanks all. I am running $record->supplier maybe five times through the schema so I idealy I didnt want to be running a query five times for the same thing. Example code usage:
->afterStateUpdated(fn (Set $set, Get $get, $state, $record) => self::totalsCalc($set, $get, $state, $record->supplier, 'total')),
->afterStateUpdated(fn (Set $set, Get $get, $state, $record) => self::totalsCalc($set, $get, $state, $record->supplier, 'total')),
2 Replies
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch8mo ago
I guess it's the same model that's passed around so it's only loaded once? Check with Debugbar
David | Fortune Validator
I’ll try that out thank you Yeah it’s the same record. Being loaded so hopefully it’s just the once

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