Novu•2mo ago
Chirag parmar

In-app notification

In some workflow send and some workflow only display step created like the mentioned screenshot, so what is the issue how to debug that issue ?
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I used this notification in rontend react https://web.novu.co/integrations/66438cbc197e97811b78d554 It doesn’t always show the learner that there is a new notification. Only on refresh....
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41 Replies
Chirag parmar
Chirag parmar•2mo ago
@Support Any update on this ?
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain•2mo ago
@Chirag parmar Is this workflow a V2 workflow or you created this workflow using UI (drag and drop)
Chirag parmar
Chirag parmar•2mo ago
Not sure our owner created the workflow So we have to update the workflow or need to do any settings for that ?
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain•2mo ago
all your in-app notifications are stuck like this or this is happening with this particular workflow?
Chirag parmar
Chirag parmar•2mo ago
No, in some workflow sending and some workflow not sending
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain•2mo ago
Can you please share the transactionId for these triggers from activity feed where in-app is stuck at step created?
Chirag parmar
Chirag parmar•2mo ago
Sure this is trasaction id : 9945c702-1169-4c04-a5f2-a4191b605c20 always not sending in app notification for this workflow
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain•2mo ago
@Chirag parmar Are you using webhook condition on this in-app step? I see that webhook url is not sending response or unreachable
Chirag parmar
Chirag parmar•2mo ago
@Pawan Jain Not sure, in which place we have to set the webhook URL We have to set URL here ?
Chirag parmar
Chirag parmar•2mo ago
No description
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain•2mo ago
Chirag parmar
Chirag parmar•2mo ago
@Pawan Jain Thank you I will review it and let you know if any question
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain•2mo ago
@Chirag parmar Checking on this if you get chance to look into this? Can I help?
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