High waisted, straight leg cotton chinos?

Hi everyone! I outgrew my old my old pants in the waist, and am trying to find a replacement. I’m looking for cotton chinos with a straight leg, vintage-y look for ideally under $100. I can compromise on either the cotton or the price lol. My size is 30x32, so Bronson doesn’t fit me :/
7 Replies
Soup7mo ago
If you have already looked at Bronson, have you looked at Sauce Zhan? https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000236509945.html
Garlic_SuckerOP7mo ago
no, I haven’t! is their quality good? and is Ali-express safe to use? they look good. jesus that website is unusable lol
Soup7mo ago
I've bought a pair of fatigues and a pair of those chinos from the aliexpress store and had no issues Both are well made, thick cotton which feels very durable. Maybe the occasional loose thread that wasn't removed during sewing but that's the only negative I can give
StotheG77mo ago
Out of curiosity, why doesn’t Bronson fit you? I wear a 30x31 in most brands and haven’t had any issues with Bronson sizing in fatigues, haven’t tried their chinos but I see waist measurements from 29-38. Here’s the pair I’m looking at and think might work for you: https://bronsonshop.com/products/1944-usmc-officer-trousers-khaki
Bronson Mfg. Co.
1944 USMC Officer Trousers - Khaki
Based on the 1944 "USMC officer's Trousers." It is made of 11 oz. cotton twill, feels soft and warm, has strong texture, medium and high waist straight pants type, loose and comfortable upper body, pure cotton bag cloth, printed with the sign of shrinkage, and no shrinkage problem after washing, a total of four colors, each characteristic, suita...
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StotheG77mo ago
The inseam appears short (closer to 30” in the 30-32 waist sizes) but that’s offset somewhat by the higher rise - I’d compare outseam measurements if you currently have low-rise pants, that may give a better point of comparison
Garlic_SuckerOP7mo ago
I pull my pants up all the way lol. I have other high rise pants that I need a 32 inch inseam in, otherwise they hover way over my shoes and look like they don’t fit me That sounds reasonable for a $60 pair of pants. Thank you!
raisinpie7mo ago
Ali express generally isn't good but sauce is legit

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