useAppConfig() not exposed to <script setup> in app.vue

I created a plugin /app/plugins/fetchAppSettings.server.ts that fetches my app's settings from the database.
export default defineNuxtPlugin(async nuxtApp => {
const { data, error } = await fetchAppSettings(supabase)

if (error) {
console.error('Error fetching app settings:', error)

useAppConfig().appSettings = data
export default defineNuxtPlugin(async nuxtApp => {
const { data, error } = await fetchAppSettings(supabase)

if (error) {
console.error('Error fetching app settings:', error)

useAppConfig().appSettings = data
This seems to work fine , console.log(useAppConfig().appSettings) logs the settings correctly. Now, I want to use these settings in my app.vue script setup:
<script setup>
const appConfig = useAppConfig();
const appSettings = appConfig.appSettings;

<script setup>
const appConfig = useAppConfig();
const appSettings = appConfig.appSettings;

This console.log(appSettings) logs the settings correctly server-side but client-side, I just receive an emtpy object. In my nuxt.config.ts, I registered the app settings:
export default defineNuxtConfig({
appConfig: {
appSettings: {}
export default defineNuxtConfig({
appConfig: {
appSettings: {}
and I created a app.config.ts file and registered the appSettings there:
export default defineAppConfig({
appSettings: {}
export default defineAppConfig({
appSettings: {}
What am I missing here? Why aren't the appSettings passed to the client correctly? Help would be much appreciated.
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