Filament8mo ago

Update a field based on select value

I have a field called 'Country' where a user can select a value. When a user selects a country, it gets stored in the database. Select::make('country') ->required() ->native(false) ->options(Country::class) ->dehydrated(false), I want to write a two letter country code to another field in the database (e.g country_iso) each time the user selects a value in the above select box. So if a user selects 'Netherlands' I want to write 'Netherlands' to the 'country' field, but also 'NL' in the billing_country. As a test, in the below snippet, I tried to update the Text Input to display the selected option but that does not work. Select::make('country') ->required() ->native(false) ->options(Country::class) ->dehydrated(false) ->afterStateUpdated(function (Set $set, ?string $state) { $set('country', $state); $set('billing_country_placeholder', $state ? "Selected country: $state" : 'No country selected'); }), TextInput::make('billing_country') ->live() ->placeholder(fn (Get $get): string => $get('billing_country_placeholder') ?? 'No country selected')
3 Replies
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch8mo ago
The Select field needs to be ->live() because it's the one changing.
LeandroFerreira8mo ago
you don't need to use afterStateUpdated $set if you want to change only the placeholder
'option1' => 'Option 1',
'option2' => 'Option 2',
'option3' => 'Option 3',

->placeholder(fn (Get $get): string => $get('country') ?? 'No country selected')
'option1' => 'Option 1',
'option2' => 'Option 2',
'option3' => 'Option 3',

->placeholder(fn (Get $get): string => $get('country') ?? 'No country selected')
WimOP8mo ago
Thanks. This works perfectly!

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