Set workflow name
Hello! I am using novu framework for creating code first workflows. In the documentation it says that workflows have an identifier which should be unique and a name. However, I can't find where the name can be set.
4 Replies
Hey @Dragan right now the identifier is the name, and can be used as human readable name, with that being said, let me bring in @Pawan Jain @Dima Grossman @Richard Fontein, and help us further. @Dragan were you looking for a name, or just based on the docs?
Currently dashed separated identifier is allowed for workflows
workflow("Sample Workflow")
will not work. It should be workflow("sample-workflow")
here sample-workflow
is used both as name and trigger identifier or worklfowId
We have plan to support tags and description fields. These fields can be human readable like Sample Workflow
@Tomer Barnea @Pawan Jain I wanted a human readable name e.g. "Sample Workflow". The reason I needed this is because in the notification center in the settings where we can enable/disable certain notifications right now the identifier is displayed e.g. "sample-workflow". It would look better for the users if I was able to display a human readable name.
Thanks for sharing the issue. We are launching a new notification center component in a few days. I am checking if this (humanization of workflowId) will be part of it
I will update you