Dynamically adding joins based on relation?

I have this setup:
export const circuitTable = sqliteTable('circuit', {
id: text('id').notNull().primaryKey(),
name: text('name').notNull(),
placeName: text('place_name').notNull(),
countryId: text('country_id')
.references(() => countryTable.id),

export const circuitRelations = relations(circuitTable, ({ one }) => ({
country: one(countryTable, {
fields: [circuitTable.countryId],
references: [countryTable.id],
export const circuitTable = sqliteTable('circuit', {
id: text('id').notNull().primaryKey(),
name: text('name').notNull(),
placeName: text('place_name').notNull(),
countryId: text('country_id')
.references(() => countryTable.id),

export const circuitRelations = relations(circuitTable, ({ one }) => ({
country: one(countryTable, {
fields: [circuitTable.countryId],
references: [countryTable.id],
I can easily refer to columns within the circuit table like circuitTable.name or circuitTable.placeName. Can I also refer to relations to dynamically add a join? E.g.:
const baseQuery = ctx.mydb
const baseQuery = ctx.mydb
and then based on user input I want to add some joins dynamically. E.g. the user input could be sort on placeName or country.name, and in the latter case I want to add the country join. As I have this in many places I would like to do something smart like:
const sortFields = {
'id': circuitTable.id,
'name': circuitTable.name,
'placeName': circuitTable.placeName,
'countryId': circuitTable.countryId,
'countryName': {
column: countryTable.name,
join: circuitRelations.country, // not possible
const sortFields = {
'id': circuitTable.id,
'name': circuitTable.name,
'placeName': circuitTable.placeName,
'countryId': circuitTable.countryId,
'countryName': {
column: countryTable.name,
join: circuitRelations.country, // not possible
based on such configs I wanted to apply the sort based on user input sort field. Would something like that be possible?
3 Replies
Marcel Overdijk
Marcel Overdijk2mo ago
Bump, anyone an idea? @⚡Z.E.U.S⚡ sorry to bother you directly, but maybe you have an idea?
⚡Z.E.U.S⚡2mo ago
Maybe something like this?
function withCountries<T extends PgSelect>(qb: T) {
return qb.leftJoin(countryTable, eq(circuitTable.countryId, countryTable.id));

const sortFields: Record<string, Column> = {
'id': circuitTable.id,
'name': circuitTable.name,
'placeName': circuitTable.placeName,
'countryId': circuitTable.countryId,
'countryName': countryTable.name,

const field = 'countryName';

let baseQuery = ctx.mydb

const sortField = sortFields[field];
if (sortField.table === countryTable) {
baseQuery = withCountries(baseQuery);

function withCountries<T extends PgSelect>(qb: T) {
return qb.leftJoin(countryTable, eq(circuitTable.countryId, countryTable.id));

const sortFields: Record<string, Column> = {
'id': circuitTable.id,
'name': circuitTable.name,
'placeName': circuitTable.placeName,
'countryId': circuitTable.countryId,
'countryName': countryTable.name,

const field = 'countryName';

let baseQuery = ctx.mydb

const sortField = sortFields[field];
if (sortField.table === countryTable) {
baseQuery = withCountries(baseQuery);

Marcel Overdijk
Marcel Overdijk2mo ago
thank you. it would not be possible to - how must I explain - without the qb to define the leftJoin. e.g.
const sortFields = {
'id': circuitTable.id,
'name': circuitTable.name,
'placeName': circuitTable.placeName,
'countryId': circuitTable.countryId,
'countryName': {
column: countryTable.name,
join: leftJoin(countryTable, eq(circuitTable.countryId, countryTable.id))
const sortFields = {
'id': circuitTable.id,
'name': circuitTable.name,
'placeName': circuitTable.placeName,
'countryId': circuitTable.countryId,
'countryName': {
column: countryTable.name,
join: leftJoin(countryTable, eq(circuitTable.countryId, countryTable.id))
and the apply that join field toward the qb without the if? if not , your solution already helps me a lot!
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