Make table data selectable based on condition

I want to make my table data selectable if its status == 1 is there any way to do that? My goal here is that I wanted to create a custom bulk action which they can borrow the available item.
public function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
->emptyStateHeading('No inventories yet')
->selectable() // Only selectable if status is 'Available'
->label('Serial Number')
->color(fn ($state) => match ($state) {
0 => 'danger', // for 'Unavailable'
1 => 'success', // for 'Available'
->formatStateUsing(fn ($state) => $state ? 'Available' : 'Unavailable')
->dateTime('F j h:i A')
// Add table filters if necessary
// Add table actions if necessary
// Add bulk actions if necessary
public function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
->emptyStateHeading('No inventories yet')
->selectable() // Only selectable if status is 'Available'
->label('Serial Number')
->color(fn ($state) => match ($state) {
0 => 'danger', // for 'Unavailable'
1 => 'success', // for 'Available'
->formatStateUsing(fn ($state) => $state ? 'Available' : 'Unavailable')
->dateTime('F j h:i A')
// Add table filters if necessary
// Add table actions if necessary
// Add bulk actions if necessary
TIA ❤️
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2 Replies
ChrysippusOP8mo ago
It worked. Niceeee, thankyouuu!

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