Checkboxlist selecting all options
I have a simple CheckboxList, but when I click in one option, it selects or deselects all of them. The only difference of that checkboxlist is that it is in a resource from another panel (my "client" panel, which is not the default "admin" one)
* other fields in the same form works as they should.
4 Replies
Custom livewire component? Share the code..
No, standard resource, but in a different panel
odd, I've created a project from scratch just to create two panels and test that, but it worked normally... I'll continue investigating
found the problem...
In my CreateBooking I have a
I did that so the client can fill a form without logging in. Then it would send that data to this resource to automatically fill that form after the client registers.
Adding this line at the end seems to have worked:
but I'm trying to improve this code. It doesn't feel like the right way to do it.
anyway, thanks for the help!