Filament table in Modal - livewire component

Hi, this is what I'm looking to do: 1. An edit page as part of a resource - lets call that Foo ✅ 2. On that edit page, have an action in the header to select a Bar ✅ 3. When clicking that action, open a modal which has a table on it (and potentially a form at the top in future) ❌ I've done steps 1 and 2 and I've managed to get a modal to open in step 3. I've created a livewire component to display the table in the modal and a view that includes the component too. EditFoo.php
protected function getHeaderActions(): array
return [
->modalHeading('Select Bar')
protected function getHeaderActions(): array
return [
->modalHeading('Select Bar')
class SelectBarModal extends Component implements HasTable, HasForms
use InteractsWithForms;
use InteractsWithTable;

public function table(Table $table): Table
return $table

public function render()
return view('');
class SelectBarModal extends Component implements HasTable, HasForms
use InteractsWithForms;
use InteractsWithTable;

public function table(Table $table): Table
return $table

public function render()
return view('');
select-bar-modal.blade.php <x-filament::modal id="selectBarModal" width="lg" wire:model.defer="showingSelectBarModal"> <form wire:submit.prevent="selectBar"> @livewire('select-bar-modal') <x-slot name="header"> <x-filament::input type="search" wire:model="search" placeholder="Search bars..." /> </x-slot> </form> </x-filament::modal> I'm not sure if I'm missing a step or if I've added too much. I'm currently receiving the error: Xdebug has detected a possible infinite loop, and aborted your script with a stack depth of '1024' frame which points to Bar::query in the component class. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
1 Reply
Adam Holmes
Adam HolmesOP8mo ago
Kept it as simple as can be in the view and added only {{ $this->table }} but I get the error Property [$table] not found on component: [app.filament.resources.visit-resource.pages.edit-visit] I thought that $this->table would be automatically populated from the component? It seems to be trying to load $this->table from the EditFoo page rather than the component. I've no idea how to make the modal load the component rather than just the view that the component uses

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