Fsync kernel replacement?

Is there currently a method to install the fsync custom kernel while keeping secureboot?
12 Replies
xyny7mo ago
yes, with the ublue kernel cache @fiftydinar might know more about this but basically you just have to do it just like bazzite does
elGaboOP7mo ago
Thank you for your reply. So if I understand correctly, Bazzite's solution will not work with the hwe nvidia images of ublue and I must therefore go with a main image of ublue and add the akmod for nvidia manualy?
tom7mo ago
@elGabo this is how I do it https://github.com/mecattaf/zen/blob/main/files/scripts/fsync-kernel-override.sh In recipe i call this script with:
- type: script
- fsync-kernel-override.sh

- type: script
- fsync-kernel-override.sh

xyny7mo ago
you can do it like that too, but im not sure about the secure boot, since it's not signed i think so yeah
fiftydinar7mo ago
Currently maybe with containerfile feature, by using COPY for fsync kernel from kernel-cache repo, then doing a script which installs the kernel but it would be cleaner if this is implemented in bluebuild-cli directly, which is something that is considered
elGaboOP7mo ago
Thank you very much!
I was able to install the fsync kernel and the nvidia driver using the containerfile module and a script. Secureboot works as expected.
elGabo7mo ago
I thought fsync was already baked into the standard kernel?
xyny7mo ago
fsync refers to a patched kernel, specifically this i think https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/sentry/kernel-fsync/ i'm not sure where the name comes from, though
My understanding is that the fsync functionality needed a patch kernel prior to 5.xxx (do not recall the exact version). All kernels after that have fsync baked in already, and since we are currently on kernel 6.9.xxx then everyone should have it
xyny7mo ago
there's other patches in this too
fiftydinar7mo ago
fsync name for that kernel comes from the feature when they baked that in before official kernel did so it's just something that's stuck as a naming

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