Filament8mo ago

What is the best way to check if updated resource attributes have changed in afterSave hook?

I am currently doing this, but it seems inefficient and too verbose:
protected function afterSave(): void
$mealType = $this->record;
$request = request()->all();
$originalOrderDeadline = null;
$updatedOrderDeadline = null;

// Decode the JSON snapshot
if (isset($request['components'][0]['snapshot'])) {
$snapshot = json_decode($request['components'][0]['snapshot'], true);

if (isset($snapshot['data']['data'])) {
foreach ($snapshot['data']['data'] as $data) {
if (isset($data['id']) && $data['id'] == $mealType->id) {
$originalOrderDeadline = $data['order_deadline'];

// Get the updated order_deadline
if (isset($request['components'][0]['updates']['data.order_deadline'])) {
$updatedOrderDeadline = $request['components'][0]['updates']['data.order_deadline'];
protected function afterSave(): void
$mealType = $this->record;
$request = request()->all();
$originalOrderDeadline = null;
$updatedOrderDeadline = null;

// Decode the JSON snapshot
if (isset($request['components'][0]['snapshot'])) {
$snapshot = json_decode($request['components'][0]['snapshot'], true);

if (isset($snapshot['data']['data'])) {
foreach ($snapshot['data']['data'] as $data) {
if (isset($data['id']) && $data['id'] == $mealType->id) {
$originalOrderDeadline = $data['order_deadline'];

// Get the updated order_deadline
if (isset($request['components'][0]['updates']['data.order_deadline'])) {
$updatedOrderDeadline = $request['components'][0]['updates']['data.order_deadline'];
2 Replies
LeandroFerreira8mo ago
what about wasChanged? Maybe this can help you.. https://laravel.com/docs/11.x/eloquent#examining-attribute-changes
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nowakOP8mo ago
Ahh! I only tried isDirty, will try with wasChanged!

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