Unregister cluster in navigation menu
I'm trying to hide the cluster in the navigation menu using
protected static bool $shouldRegisterNavigation = false;
, but it's not working.
I want to hide it because it's for account settings, which I prefer to show under the profile dropdown instead of the regular navigation menu.
How can I achieve this?9 Replies
Can you not use
? In your cluster class.
That means people can’t access it at all.
Yes but that also means its not registered and therefor not in the sidebar 🤓
Why not remove the cluster from the account settings and properly register a new user menu item instead? 🤔
Because I want to use sub navigation for it.. Thats not possible then is it? I have 3 pages:
ProfileSettings, ChangePassword and MySubscription
in which file you put this?
In the general Cluster file..:
try like this
Oh wow, that worked
Thanks, @Vp !