FileUpload fails on Mozilla Firefox but works on every other browser
I have a problem with FileUpload. Specifically, uploading temporary-files. It fails while uploading file. This happens only in PROD environment, but works on local. Any clue why?
7 Replies
Any console errors?
419 - Uknown Status
419 usually means invalid CSRF token. Not sure why this happens in Firefox.
Any extension that might block stuff? Can you try in Inkognito mode?
Same error in Inkognito mode. Do you think there will be any fix/release to make it work on Firefox? It seems that the problem could be the HTTPS protocol because it works fine with HTTP.
Hi, did you manage to solve the problem?
I have the same problem
Any luck in finding a solution?
check your env url is set the same as what you are accessing the site over.