mfad7mo ago
Red Mantis

Repro M-65 Jacket and Pants for under $200 each?

Anyone have any recommendations for generally authentic (doesn't have to be perfectly identical) M-65 pants and jackets for under $200 that are a good quality? I see a number of brands out there on different sites, but returns cam be a pain and I'd like to get something I'm reasonably sure will be what I'm looking for.
5 Replies
raisinpie7mo ago
Are you open to the real deal or specifically looking at repros?
Red Mantis
Red MantisOP7mo ago
Open to the real deal, used, you name it. Though I am looking for olive green, not camo.
epistrophy7mo ago
For the real deal there are tons of original M-65 jackets on ebay for $100 or less, pants for around $100. I don' have firsthand experience but Bronson is often recommended for reproduction. Not sure if they do M65 pants but their jackets are in your budget.
jfarrell4687mo ago
Alpha Industries
M-65 Pant | Alpha Industries
Shop M-65 Pant at Alpha Industries—the leader in U.S. military style & fashion apparel. Free shipping on orders $100+. at Alpha Industries.
Alpha Industries
Shop M-65 Field Jacket Heritage Black m at Alpha Industries - the leader in U.S. military style and fashion apparel. Free shipping on orders $150+.
Spuck7mo ago
Only thing with Alpha, some of their stuff is slim-fit repro or the like, which can look horrible. (I have an N3 parka from them and wear the hell out of it)

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