drizzle-kit overriding `process.env` before `@next/env` can load values

I'm trying to use drizzle-kit push using the setup recommended by the Drizzle and Vercel docs, but I am finding that the drizzle-kit command is performing its own dotenv loading before my config file can import and use loadEnvConfig from @next/env. This is causing issues if I have an empty value for POSTGRES_URL in .env (for documentation purposes) and the actual value in .env.local (for local development) because drizzle-kit is unaware of how @next/env loads environment variables. I've worked around this issue by setting by setting DOTENV_CONFIG_PATH=/dev/null, but there should a way to turn this automatic behavior off (or more ideally, make it opt-in instead of opt-out) so it is easier to load environment variables correctly using @next/env or another .env loader of choice.
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1 Reply
imliuruiqi3mo ago
Encoutering same problem here. DOTENV_CONFIG_PATH=/dev/null works but obviously we need a better solution.

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