NuxtLink navigation to nested route does not show error page on client side navigation
Imagine we have nested route with error inside:
Here is how pages folder looks like:
-| pages/
---| course/
------| [lessonSlug].vue
---| course.vue
---| index.vue
Here is the problem, second NuxtLink with error in nested route:
When I click on the /course NuxtLink everything is fine, I can press one of two links and NuxtErrorBoundary will do the thing and show fallback template.
When I click on second link with a nested route, the address bar changes, but nothing is re-rendered (the error page is not shown until page is refreshed).
If I go to the nested route using the a tag or the address bar, it will show an error page as it should be.
So should I just always use <a> with nested routes to be not afraid of unexpected errors?
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