Nuxt8mo ago

[useAsyncData] Component is already mounted, please use $fetch instead. See

async function handleComplete(e) {
const data = await useAsyncData('sign-in', () => {
const x = $fetch('/api/auth/sign-in', {
method: 'POST',
body: {
pin: e.join(''),

return x;

async function handleComplete(e) {
const data = await useAsyncData('sign-in', () => {
const x = $fetch('/api/auth/sign-in', {
method: 'POST',
body: {
pin: e.join(''),

return x;

Why do I have component already mounted? I want to use useAsyncData, to get the status to see if it is pending or success to render a loading state, how can I? I've use useAsyncData in my composables that I directly call in my setup, do I have to make my own loading and use $fetch directly since useAsyncData needs to be call in the setup? Thanks!
2 Replies
Cake8mo ago
usually composables are meant to be used inside other composables or directly in scrip setup u can either use remove it outisde the handleComplete function, add { immediate: false } as a second argument to it, the u can call the execute command.
const { data, execute } = await useAsyncData('key', () => { await ... } , {
immediate: false
const { data, execute } = await useAsyncData('key', () => { await ... } , {
immediate: false
then u manually call execute or simply remove use $fetch directly like warning suggests
const isLoading = ref(false)
const handleComplete = async e => {
isLoading.value = true
const response = await $fetch(...)
// do something with response
isLoading.value = false
const isLoading = ref(false)
const handleComplete = async e => {
isLoading.value = true
const response = await $fetch(...)
// do something with response
isLoading.value = false
imzolOP7mo ago
thanks @Cake

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