geom tries == mesh tries
Any thoughts on what would cause this, or how to fix it/remove if occurs?
Failed self check: geom tris == mesh tris
UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object)
TiltBrush.Batch:SelfCheck () (at Assets/Scripts/Batching/Batch.cs:490)
TiltBrush.Batch:UpdateMesh () (at Assets/Scripts/Batching/Batch.cs:335)
TiltBrush.Batch:LateUpdate () (at Assets/Scripts/Batching/Batch.cs:297)
1 Reply
geom tries == mesh tries
Area can only be selected with select all, but cant select to discard directly? Seems to happen more often when working fast
Seems batch.cs wasn't properly verifying the state change when the geometry pool of the parent was empty.