Nuxt8mo ago

Server middleware for specific route

Hi, i have this structure: - /pages/page/[...slug].vue - /pages/component/[...slug].vue And i want to make server middleware only for these routes, how can i do this? I was trying with this solution: - /server/routes/page/[...slug].get.ts - /server/routes/page/[...slug].post.ts but it's nor working. Can you help me?
2 Replies
Archerist8mo ago
well, server middlewares should be in server/middleware folder, aside from that you can easily do something like this:
export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
let URL = getRequestURL(event)
if (URL.pathname.startsWith("/foo/bar")) {
///Do stuff
export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
let URL = getRequestURL(event)
if (URL.pathname.startsWith("/foo/bar")) {
///Do stuff
https://nuxt.com/docs/guide/directory-structure/server#server-middleware also if i understand correctly you have vue components inside your pages folder. you should move them out of the pages folder and into components folder
funk2351OP8mo ago
No, no, 'component' is just a page 🙂 Thanks for your help!

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