How we feeling about this vintage chore jacket?
Not super worn in, which is a plus or minus depending how you look at it. It also looks pretty saturated, but the second pic looks much less so. I really like the look of this jacket. What do y'all think?

12 Replies
(That's not me in the second pic)
thats not you, but it could be
with that cool jacket
i always support a blue chore
Yeah I mean it’s a good fuckin piece of clothing
Honestly just the first comments from Shrimp alone were enough for me to take the plunge lol! Its only $64 + shipping. It's from ebay, and seller accepts returns. So I can send it back or resell if things don't work out :)
That’s a good price
Jacket's a beauty
This is what a true french chore jacket should look like, though most fashion chore jacket would make it navy rather than blue.
Necro but $64 for that is a very good price, awesome piece
this is the best french chore color
here is classclown in a faded one and me in a new one

yours looks even brighter and thats sick