Got Third Party Ban For no Reason !
Hello i Got a New Mouse And i wanted it To Try it , I downloaded The Software of the Mouse Then i got into Valorant To Try The Mouse , i Started Streaming And Nothing is wrong , everything Was okay Until i played a couple of Swift Play With Some Friends (It was off Stream) , When i played a Deathmatch i got Notified i got Permanently Banned For Third Party Program I downloaded Riot Repair Tool To let you see There isn't any Cheat Software in my pc , Btw The mouse is Called Pawnage Storm breaker Limited Edition, i applied 4 Tickets into The Arabic Support Team and Didnt get Any Answer About My Banned,
I Even messaged The English Support And Still no Response. i think Vanguard Detcted That The mouse Program is a cheating software ?
Sorry For My bad english
You can check My Tracker : Ah1maad#502

19 Replies
* i Stream all My games on twitch if you want to check if i Cheat
do u use winexp?
i dont
i use The Stretch in the game
all of my friends The same Banned and they got Unbanned
i didnt share My acc with anyone
@Riot Schmick
wallah im innocent
can i do Something That can prove i didnt Cheat?
val support
i opened 5 tickets
Still no Response
does the software have any macros on it
what does the ban msg say?
i recommend to check if u have a hwid ban by making a new account and if it gets banned it’s a hwid
its not hwid
i have another account
and its fine

i think it does but i didnt use it
Happened to me too
Idk what the riot repair tool does
curious to know if it might be the mouse software
Most likely the software had an option to enable macros which you used causing a ban
thats stupid as more well known brands have options for macro keys programmable in the software and im yet to hear people get ban for it e.g. razer or logitech
But it is because it is cheating. Being able to have one button bind to multiple different keys is in fact cheating and macroing
Of course this is only speculation and I don't know exactly why you were banned it is only from what I have seen
there are pros and streamers with mouse bound ability keys so please elaborate further
That isn't macroing. And is allowed the part that isn't is being able to bind multiple keys through software to one press of a button.
pwnage is a new ish brand btw
right sorry i didnt get it right this time
still i doubt that is what would have caused it
wording it a little better would be to have for e.g. mouse click 5 times with the press of a button or well any sort of series of key presses or clicks
brand has a recent valorant BLG team collaboration the brand itself doesnt report any issues with valorant neither can i find any other posts about it online
did they reply to you or did you get an unban at all