Fetch data based on client's timezone.

Currently, I have a postgres db, where my timestamp data is being saved as a timestamp with timezone type, with +0 timezone. I've been fetching my data with the code below
const statement = sql`
WITH date_series AS (
SELECT generate_series(
NOW() - INTERVAL '${sql.raw((days - 1).toString())} DAYS',
'1 day'::interval
)::date AS date
COALESCE(SUM(${orders.totalPrice}), 0) AS revenue
FROM date_series ds
LEFT JOIN ${orders} ON date_trunc('day', ${orders.createdAt}) = ds.date
GROUP BY ds.date
ORDER BY ds.date ASC;
const statement = sql`
WITH date_series AS (
SELECT generate_series(
NOW() - INTERVAL '${sql.raw((days - 1).toString())} DAYS',
'1 day'::interval
)::date AS date
COALESCE(SUM(${orders.totalPrice}), 0) AS revenue
FROM date_series ds
LEFT JOIN ${orders} ON date_trunc('day', ${orders.createdAt}) = ds.date
GROUP BY ds.date
ORDER BY ds.date ASC;
The problem I have, is that the system will group the data based on the DB server's timezone (in this case +0). How can i update the code so that the data returned will always follow the client's timezone? For example, If the client is in UTC +9, then it should group the date after offsetting the timestamps by 9 hours.
2 Replies
rphlmr ⚡
rphlmr ⚡7mo ago
Hum good question. Not sure about that but maybe replace all NOW() with (SELECT now() AT TIME ZONE 'Europe/Paris') (if you can get the user timezone)
const userNow = sql`(SELECT now() AT TIME ZONE 'Europe/Paris')`
const statement = sql`
WITH date_series AS (
SELECT generate_series(
${userNow} - INTERVAL '${sql.raw((days - 1).toString())} DAYS',
'1 day'::interval
)::date AS date
COALESCE(SUM(${orders.totalPrice}), 0) AS revenue
FROM date_series ds
LEFT JOIN ${orders} ON date_trunc('day', ${orders.createdAt}) = ds.date
GROUP BY ds.date
ORDER BY ds.date ASC;
const userNow = sql`(SELECT now() AT TIME ZONE 'Europe/Paris')`
const statement = sql`
WITH date_series AS (
SELECT generate_series(
${userNow} - INTERVAL '${sql.raw((days - 1).toString())} DAYS',
'1 day'::interval
)::date AS date
COALESCE(SUM(${orders.totalPrice}), 0) AS revenue
FROM date_series ds
LEFT JOIN ${orders} ON date_trunc('day', ${orders.createdAt}) = ds.date
GROUP BY ds.date
ORDER BY ds.date ASC;
RorschOP7mo ago
interesting approach. yes, i think i can do that for now. thank you for giving me some insights!

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