How do I create a non-tenancy page and route with a multi-tenancy configuration?
I'm using the standard Filament multi-tenancy feature with a many-to-many relationship.
I want to make a route and a page that can be accessed by all tenants, for example,
, where the routing with multi-tenancy comes with /admin/{tenantKey}/xxx
I appreciate any help. Thanks.7 Replies
Should it be branded like a tenant? If so I would just create a route and add in the tenant id on the fly. So they go to the url, you get the tenant they are apart of, inject the id and redirect them
@toeknee No, I would like to make a page that can be accessed by all tenants and without specifying the tenant ID on the URL, do you think it's possible?
Just build a page as normal in Laravel and add the route. It doesn’t have to be built with filament then?
It's actually AnnouncementResource, I want to make the resource is accessible to all tenants 😃
So make the resource and set scope to tenant no… then it’ll show on the tenants as a resource for all.
OK, thanks a lot for your assist, I have one more question, I know it's a bit silly, but can I remove the tenantID for that AnnouncementResource on the URL? So it's only /admin/announcements, without the tenant ID. 😃
Not to my knowledge, but you can add a redirect so you can link to it without the id then insert the current tenant id and redirect