Compostie primary key of a composite primary key
Hello! 👋👋
I have a table Accounts with id as primary key
export const accounts = pgTable('accounts', {
id: uuid('id').primaryKey().notNull().defaultRandom(),
Then I have the table sections where the primary key is a composite key of the table id and the referenced key
export const sections = pgTable('sections', {
id: text('id').notNull().$defaultFn(() => generateIdFromEntropySize(5)),
account: uuid('account').notNull().references(() =>, {onUpdate: 'cascade', onDelete:'cascade'}),
}, (table) => {
return {
pk: primaryKey({ columns: [, table.account] })
The problem is that now i need a third table Events where the primary key is a composite between the table primary key (id) and the sections composite primary key:
export const events = pgTable('events', {
id: text('id').notNull().$defaultFn(() => generateIdFromEntropySize(5)),
section_id: text('section_id').notNull(),
section_account: uuid('section_account').notNull(),
}, (table) => {
return {
sectionReference: foreignKey({
columns: [table.section_id, table.section_account],
foreignColumns: [, sections.account]
pk: primaryKey({ columns: [, table.section_id, table.section_account] })
Everything is working fine but I don't know if it's the correct solution as I'm seeing duplicated named fields on neon after applying the migration.2 Replies
Thank you very much for the answer. I will keep coding like so. Thanks a lot!