cars skins
I just recently got golden Lamborghini skins (3 token) when I first got it I could use it as a parachute and it would spawn in the waiting island. Now it doesn’t do that please tell me whyyy
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This was expected to be fixed yesterday, @Hochiki. Let us know if you are still facing the same issue.
35 Replies
Hello, @Hochiki! Please make sure that you have the correct vehicle finish equipped in the main menu of the game, and then enter the match and check again.
I have the correct skin equipped it still don’t work
Can you share a screenshot of your main menu, @Hochiki?

I have it all on
I reported it several times to pubg and no response
Can you record a video of it not showing on the spawn island and send it here, @Hochiki? Make sure that you start the recording from the main menu.
It never works as the parachute skin either

@Quendi is this a legit account
Have you tried to remove the finish and equip it again, @Hochiki? Also, have you tried to perform a routine repair of the game from the login menu?
Yep tried that and just done a repair still not working
What can I do man because PUBG in game report is not responding to me
Will get back to you, @Hochiki. Please wait patiently.
Ok thank you
What is your numeric user identification, @Hochiki?
You may need to remove the finishes you have equipped in this section first, @Hochiki:

Ok I will try that thank you
Would this explain the spawn island also
It may... Please check and let us know.
Ye it’s working as parachute now but not in spaw island
Can you please share a screenshot of the vehicle finish from your inventory with the name visible, @Hochiki?

We will try to get a confirmation regarding this and get back to you if we have more information, @Hochiki.
Ok thank you
Just for confirmation, are you still facing the same issue, @Hochiki?
Have you tried any other map other than Livik and facing the same issue, @Hochiki? Do you know someone else who is also experiencing the same issue?
This was expected to be fixed yesterday, @Hochiki. Let us know if you are still facing the same issue.
I realised it only happens in duos on earangel and it’s intermittent on livik
Could you please record a video demonstrating how it works on Erangel but not in Duo, @Hochiki? If you experience this issue in Livik occasionally, please share two different in-game screenshots: one showing it working normally and one where you encounter the issue.
Just tried and it working now? Have they done a new patch or something bc it wasn’t working the whole time I ranked in duos and I did 120+ games
Yes, as a response from Tencent, it was expected to be fixed yesterday, @Hochiki.