Looking for fit linen pants color suggestions

Hi, I already have three loose line pants in my wardrobe (white,beige, and navy) and I want to buy at least two Fit linen pants for formal occasions. What colors should I go for? A light cream looks like a good addition to me, what do you think?
11 Replies
kyn8mo ago
black text based fit/purchase/wardrobe advice is bad Godspeed
AllaaEddineOP8mo ago
I don’t like wearing black in hot weather tbh…
kyn8mo ago
Skill issue
AllaaEddineOP8mo ago
If u say so
zeometer8mo ago
from experience black linen does not experience as much of a "heat absorption" effect as other fabrics regarding your question, a lot will depend on what you wear or would like to look like in formal occasions
AllaaEddineOP8mo ago
By formal occasions I mostly mean work and meetings, and I wear polos and buttoned shirts if that’s what you are asking me
zeometer8mo ago
to a degree yes, moreso if you wear any particular colors or patterns
AllaaEddineOP8mo ago
For summer, I wear navy, light sky blue, white, beige, cream, olive, pink, and brown . But as you said black linen pants don’t seem to absorb heat so I might give it a try as well
zeometer8mo ago
based on that black and olive would be my picks
Guatemalean Toupee
Black linen pants are a nice vibe
Mr8mo ago
Sage green goes hard I think

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