Filament8mo ago

variable sending from livewire component to js code is not working

Hello, I am trying to send variable from livewire component to javascript code. I have a page with js code and @livewire component with it own class. I am using

namespace App\Livewire;

use Livewire\Component;
use App\Models\LearningUserStudyRecord;

class UserActivityForm extends Component
public $record;

public $video_start; // get data from db to set video start

public function mount(int | string $record): void
$this->record = LearningResource::findOrFail($record);

public function render()
return view('livewire.user-activity-form');

public function sendVideoTime(): void
$user = auth()->user()->id;
$userActivities = LearningUserStudyRecord::where('user_id', $user)
->where('resource_id', $this->record->id)

if ($userActivities->isEmpty()) {
$this->video_start = 0;

$latest_point = 20;
foreach ($userActivities as $activity) {
if ($activity->video_progress > $latest_point) {
$latest_point = $activity->video_progress;

$this->video_start = $latest_point;

$this->dispatch('video-start', latestPoint: $this->video_start);

namespace App\Livewire;

use Livewire\Component;
use App\Models\LearningUserStudyRecord;

class UserActivityForm extends Component
public $record;

public $video_start; // get data from db to set video start

public function mount(int | string $record): void
$this->record = LearningResource::findOrFail($record);

public function render()
return view('livewire.user-activity-form');

public function sendVideoTime(): void
$user = auth()->user()->id;
$userActivities = LearningUserStudyRecord::where('user_id', $user)
->where('resource_id', $this->record->id)

if ($userActivities->isEmpty()) {
$this->video_start = 0;

$latest_point = 20;
foreach ($userActivities as $activity) {
if ($activity->video_progress > $latest_point) {
$latest_point = $activity->video_progress;

$this->video_start = $latest_point;

$this->dispatch('video-start', latestPoint: $this->video_start);
in one of the last code lines I am sending data ( I think here is the problem). Javascript code:

document.addEventListener("livewire:initialized", function() {

$wire.on('video-start', (latestPoint) => {
latestWatchedTime = latestPoint;
console.log("Latest watched time:", latestWatchedTime);

document.addEventListener("livewire:initialized", function() {

$wire.on('video-start', (latestPoint) => {
latestWatchedTime = latestPoint;
console.log("Latest watched time:", latestWatchedTime);
I thought that i catched data correctly, but i cant see even a console.log message. Can someone help, please?
I understand that I sent variable correctly, but i can access it via js only in livewire.user-activity-form (livewire class view), but not the blade view
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13 Replies
LeandroFerreira8mo ago
where is the js?
GlebkaOP8mo ago
in a blade file also in this blade file I included livewire class:
@livewire('user-activity-form', ['record' => $record->id])
@livewire('user-activity-form', ['record' => $record->id])
LeandroFerreira8mo ago
if you want to access video_start in the LW component view, you don't need to dispatch it. Just use $wire
<div x-data="{ init() {console.log($wire.video_start) } }">
<div x-data="{ init() {console.log($wire.video_start) } }">
GlebkaOP8mo ago
i want to access it in javascript which is inside a blade view. This blade view contains @livewire component from where i am trying to get variable and a javascript code, where i want to use it
LeandroFerreira8mo ago
could you share the whole code on Gist? you are missing ) in the document.addEventListener..
GlebkaOP8mo ago
GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
LeandroFerreira8mo ago
remove livewire:initialized and try only $wire.on
$wire.on('video-start', (latestPoint) => {
latestWatchedTime = latestPoint;
console.log("Latest watched time:", latestWatchedTime);
$wire.on('video-start', (latestPoint) => {
latestWatchedTime = latestPoint;
console.log("Latest watched time:", latestWatchedTime);
GlebkaOP8mo ago
1 min still the same problem
LeandroFerreira8mo ago
maybe you could create a mini repo on Github only to reproduce this issue, without unrelated code, and I can take a look
GlebkaOP8mo ago
thank you for your help, i really appreciate it, but not today, it is very late in my country
Glebka8mo ago
I understand that I sent variable correctly, but i can access it via js only in livewire.user-activity-form (livewire class view), but not the blade view
LeandroFerreira8mo ago
hum, custom-learning-resource isn't a lw component? Is it a Filament page?
GlebkaOP8mo ago
yes, it is not a livewire

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