Railway4mo ago

We have hidden replicas running (please help)

I'm sorry for the cross-posting, but this is a priority issue for us. In the past, it has taken 1-2 days to receive a support request, so I'm reposting my private ticket request here: https://help.railway.app/support/hidden-active-replicas-and-other-problem-5ef9e267 Thank you
Railway Help Station
Railway Help Station
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3 Replies
Percy4mo ago
Project ID: 3ac960c1-7213-43da-90e1-7e791603a79e
vimtor4mo ago
Brody4mo ago
it might seem counter intuitive but in the future for issues that are affecting your production systems please open a public thread so moderators can expedite team support for you, moderators don't have access to private threads so please wait for a an answer from the team in your thread.
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