How to show/hide a component using actions in form?

As what the title said, I want to show or hide a specific component in the form builder but using the action not the toggle or checkbox.
->action(function () {
// how to hide or show specific component here inside the form?
->action(function () {
// how to hide or show specific component here inside the form?
Use the action to set a property in the class and use that property value to determine whether to hide or show the component maybe?
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4 Replies
awcodes8mo ago
Sorry, not following the use case. An action requires user interaction. What is the use case.
jaoceroOP8mo ago
Hi @awcodes example here this is a custom form in a livewire component. Beside the message I want to add the action so that whenever a user wants to upload they will just click the action then show the upload component. It takes a lot of space so I want to hide or show it using action but not toggle or anything else
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Andrew Wallo
Andrew Wallo8mo ago
Use the action to set a property in the class and use that property value to determine whether to hide or show the component maybe?
jaoceroOP8mo ago
I've got it working thank youu @Andrew Wallo
->action(fn () => $this->showUpload = !$this->showUpload)
->action(fn () => $this->showUpload = !$this->showUpload)

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